Been playing MMO's for over 12 years now. Some amazing memories, from the days of UO, to EQ and then to WoW. Happy 8 years to Blizzard and WoW....some amazing experiences
I have had the dream come true to work for such an amazing company, Activision Blizzard is my most amazing experience to date...and hopefully more awesome lies ahead (some links may need to be clicked directly to work, dunno whats going on with youtube atm)
When you experience everyone in your guild just yell out on vent with joy after downing a boss like this (SK Gaming, world first Kil Jaiden, End of Burning Cursade expansion boss) may find it the most satisfying event you will ever experience in a game...ever these days for me are over. I am just WAY too busy to dedicate time to rigid raid times (sometimes 4-6 hours for 3 times a week. The worst was 6hrs a day, every day except Tuesday for 2 months). Thank goodness for the "nerf" to WoW, I can easily jump into a LFR (looking for raid) group and pug a raid, its pants on head easy, i get to see content I never will otherwise, get some nice loot, and I get to pace myself how I want. Of course the challenge of high end raid is still there.
So a raid...what used to be 40 and 20, is now 25 or 10 people that band together to clear a dungeon. This used to take MONTHS, now it takes less time, depending your guild. An example of a raid boss. Some of the most complex boss mechanics you will find can be in MMO's simply because you need so many people to defeat them, rather than 1 or 5 people. Here is an example of an old raid...and just how complex it may be wow days:CURSE guild who began which is now a uber mod site for MMO's (WoW and Skyrim the like) showing the death of BWL and the final battle of Nefarion
The opening of the gates of Ahn Quiraj...and the amazing movie by Jack (who now speaks at Intel events)
(subbed in english from EMPIRE guild) "You will be judged for desecrating these sacred grounds...."
The video of the "new" Naxx, which was far easier than vanilla, but a great trip down memory lane
"Destroy them Kel'Thuzad......Naxxramas...must NOT FALL......"
Buring Crusade daysThe opening of the BLACK TEMPLE had jaws drop with the trailer and had people ubar excited
Enter the Sunwell where EMPIRE and (possibly considered the best guild in MMO's for holding the most world kills) Nihilum - friggin BADA$$ when then enter at 5:18. Que EPIC MUSIC
Lich King daysThe EPIC Wrath Gate cinematic "FOR THE HORDE!!!"
The opening of ULDUAR which took everyone by surprise
I also think when the guild VODKA did the trailer for ICECROWN CITADEL it was FAR better than what Blizzard did. This one pumped the guilds up SO much "SO! You wish to commune with the DEAD......."
Machinema?.......we got em! Some of the most fun and enjoyable stuff, parodies, music and GREAT people
Gotta love Nyhm
Nyhm teamed up with Gigi and Abandonation and some pretty epic underground rappers (Decision) to make
Horde for life.....yup
Hhaha......Sharm giving a lesson in WoW lore about the Life Binder
and of course Summergale and Cranius team up to make this funny/awesome parody
and finally the HILARIOUS.... Sebudai the motivational speaker
and of course......MORE DOTS MORE DOTS......OK STOP DOTS