Author Topic: Everything Xbox ONE  (Read 250759 times)

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #580 on: November 30, 2013, 08:43:00 PM »
Fully agreed with all of that, and that's just a testament to how much better a PC is than a console. But the point here is, you don't have to have a "master race" pc to experience PC gaming in a form that still better than a console.

Yuh regular old budget rigs could wash a console backside at the same resolution the console running. And still provide u with all the benefits of running a full desktop OS.

And if you want, you still have the flexibility to increase graphics according to how much you willing to dish out.
And if 2 years past and you have a lil spare change, u can always upgrade GPU for more graphics, and not have to wait 5-7 more years for another console.

Point is, one of consoles greatest bonuses was low price, but that's no longer the case. PC tech advance too far and too fast. Things cheap and accessible now. Bar for entry drastically lowered.


Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #580 on: November 30, 2013, 08:43:00 PM »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #581 on: November 30, 2013, 10:02:14 PM »
A $400/500 pc could pump out console quality for 5-7 years? No dips in quality what so ever? How about a $250 pc to run TLoU or Beyond 2 Souls or Halo 4?

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #582 on: November 30, 2013, 10:05:46 PM »
Fully agreed with all of that, and that's just a testament to how much better a PC is than a console. But the point here is, you don't have to have a "master race" pc to experience PC gaming in a form that still better than a console.

Yuh regular old budget rigs could wash a console backside at the same resolution the console running. And still provide u with all the benefits of running a full desktop OS.

And if you want, you still have the flexibility to increase graphics according to how much you willing to dish out.
And if 2 years past and you have a lil spare change, u can always upgrade GPU for more graphics, and not have to wait 5-7 more years for another console.

Point is, one of consoles greatest bonuses was low price, but that's no longer the case. PC tech advance too far and too fast. Things cheap and accessible now. Bar for entry drastically lowered.

Are you saying that all there is to a good gaming experience is superior graphics? It always puzzles me when ppl say this. So if games like Mario, Zelda, Uncharted etc. were made for PC they would be more fun? The experience would be somehow enhanced? Gaming goes beyond horsepower and graphics. If you believe having a more powerful rig that delivers higher resolution and whatnot equates to superior gaming you are living in the past.

PC gaming is just less convenient..period, and this is the major advantage that consoles have over gaming PC's (not price).The average Joe Gamer (like me) couldn't be bothered to go through the hassle of putting a gaming PC together, updating drivers, upgrading GPU, optimizing settings, hardware compatibility etc. In fact i'm sure the average Joe gamer would have no clue where to start. Do not assume that gamers are techies.

When I want to play a video game I don't want to have to worry about these things. I like being able to sit down with my console under my TV, press a button on my controller, and play a game that was built specifically to run on this exact machine the same way it was built to run on everyone else who I'm playing with's machine. There's (virtually) no cheating online, there's no optimization to deal with, everyone is experiencing the same thing. It's simple, it's easy, and that's what I want when I'm playing video games.

The benefits of PC gaming just do not outweigh the convenience of playing on a console for most people. It's cheaper, it's easier, and you have a box that is specifically targeted and optimized by game developers for 5-10 never have to worry about it.

I'm not saying that PC gaming isn't great (and getting better, too). I'm not saying that it isn't more enjoyable for some people. Its just annoying when ppl make the assumption everyone else just hasn't been "enlightened" yet and are "peasants" cuz they prefer the convenience of a console (which mind you is a simple PC designed for gaming).

There are plenty of arguments for and against both console gaming & PC gaming, but saying outright that gaming is "much better" on PC than on console comes across a bit childish to me and is counterproductive to the unified gaming community i believe this forum is trying to achieve..sorry.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 10:08:27 PM by madmunkie »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #583 on: November 30, 2013, 11:47:22 PM »
What raise your monkey gland boy? lololol.

I'll respond:

No, all to a good experience is not just graphics, it have games with epic graphics (crysis) that I personally find is mess. So no, that's not what I saying. But if there is a cross platform game, that game will be better on PC. That's what i'm saying. so AC4 on xbox ps and pc, d pc version will look better. Anybody denying that stupid. And I personally want the better experience, in that case, better graphics = better game.

The same Mario and Zelda you talking bout, if it was avialble on PC, id never play it on console. Hell, I even played Skyward Sword on PC...and I ....wait for it.....bought! the game, I have d gold disc. and a wii to play it on. But I play it on PC, why? because it look significantly better EMULATED! than it did on the wii. Better Graphics in that case = Better Game, Better experience.

I have a new analogy I like to use to help ppl understand the mind that is a PC gamer.
If you ask a man, which car better, between ah Kia and ah Mustang, which he go say? Id say d mustang. Why? cuase is a beast. But then their are arguments that can be made for the kia. It cheaper, more economical, easier to drive, etc etc etc. But ask any car man which he'd choose, he'd never choose ah kia. Then there are d men who does mod they cars, with turbo and all kinda jazz. D average joe would say that wasting time, doh need that, blah blah blah. But d car man would put in he sweat and come out with ah car that go eat yours any day. Mite not be d most convenient thing in d world, but is fun, and performance hella-better than yUh stock kia.

That's Console vs PC in a nutshell.

I not expecting everybody in the world to go around driving Bugatti, no, it have car for the masses, it name kia, and Toyota. Just like it have a place for console. But a high end PC to a console, is a Bugatti to a Kia. When comes down to performance and getting on, it better, period.

Consoles only good for 2 things. 1: Exclusives 2: Plebs who could care less.
If Killer Instincts was available on PC id never buy an xbox. And if Zelda was available on PC id never buy a wii.

Point is, one of consoles greatest bonuses was low price, but that's no longer the case. PC tech advance too far and too fast. Things cheap and accessible now. Bar for entry drastically lowered.
I did not say console greatest advantage is price, I said ONE OF, console greatest advantage is convenience, price is another. But price no longer a factor since PCs get so damned cheap. And the convenience factor of a console drastically dropping as well. Drivers? what chu talking bout willis? If u have AMD card, steam auto-updates those. And if u have Nvidia, the Ge-forece experience app monitors and updates drivers automatic. Them thing is long time thing. PCs getting much more reliable, and with steam doing everything for u now, much easier. And certain aspects are MORE convenient than consoles. I much rather turn on my tv, and press the xbox button on my controller, to go in steam big-picture mode, and choose any game and press play, than to go huntin for a disc of a game I want to insert and play. The next-gen of consoles now starting to really try to get where PC is on the digital front, and they not their yet, by a longshot. Also, Price. PC's mite be slightly more expensive, but d games HELA! Cheaper!. Over this weakend, I buy 5 games for d price id pay for 1 console game. D sameeeeee games. I buy rayman legends and lego marvel for a few dollars. Same exact game on next-gen is 60$............craziness.

So as you said, their are arguments that can be made for and against both.
But the bottom line is. If you take d same exact game, and put it on a pc, the game will cost less, and look better.

A $400/500 pc could pump out console quality for 5-7 years? No dips in quality what so ever? How about a $250 pc to run TLoU or Beyond 2 Souls or Halo 4?

Yes, ill explain. As consoles increase in life. PC tech increases, so games on PC looks better and better, that is why, any game release will easily look better on that generation of PC hardware. PC always ahead. But if u build a pc and 5 years past. obviously it wont run the game to d same level as a pc of that generation. But if u disable d same things u disable on a console, and run it at d same resolution it runs on a console. D PC will still cut ass. The next generation of consoles barely managing to run games at 1080p. A 500$ pc from 4 years ago mite not be capable, because PC tech didn't advance that far yet. But the 500$ PCs of today, will be very capable of doing that, because PC tech of today, just so far beyond what a console can offer. much less for PC tech of next year. When ddr4/x79/haswell-e hit. Lawd of mercy. Any budget rig of 2014/2015 will be so far ahead next-gen console it wont even be funny lolol. See how crappy AC4 looks on ps3/xbox 360? Is d same crappy way it go look on a 5 year old pc. But try to run it looking like how it looks on xbox one, and obviously d pc wont run it. Once u adjust d settings to suit, d PC will be just fine.

And that's budjet shit I talking bout. Eh talking bout no Byugatti yet.

And just as d Kia men go never understand why somebody would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy ah Lamborghini, or ah Ferrari, or install turbo, and cold-air intakes, etc etc. Is d same way a console gamer will never understand the mind that is d Master Race.

Jah, I talk too damn much, excuse d length of d post.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 12:05:07 AM by MessiaaH »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #584 on: November 30, 2013, 11:50:03 PM »

Oh lordie...not THIS again.

Please, please PLEASE don't start this argument all over again.

Messiaah...leave this one alone.  My 'Delete' button is working JUST fine.

EDIT:  oh goddammit, I'm too late.  :(

This thread is for Xbone wins and fails.  PLEASE stay on target.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 11:52:22 PM by Arcmanov »
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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #584 on: November 30, 2013, 11:50:03 PM »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #585 on: November 30, 2013, 11:55:50 PM »
Boy ah didn't see yUh post intime lololol. Not to late to delete meh post lol.

I'll avoid any further entry into the neutral zone. :laughing7:

« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 11:59:51 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #586 on: December 01, 2013, 12:14:33 AM »
Pc gaming go stay in it corner.

Anyway back to what the thread about.Messiah yuh get yuh xbox yet boi?Regret the purchase?

Offline madmunkie

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #587 on: December 01, 2013, 07:31:51 AM »

Wow..i had no Idea that would've been the result. My bad.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 07:33:33 AM by madmunkie »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #588 on: December 01, 2013, 09:51:05 AM »
Wow..i had no Idea that would've been the result. My bad.

man enter the neutral zone and launch 2 photon torpedo across the border and didn't know what d result would have been?


Anyway back to what the thread about.Messiah yuh get yuh xbox yet boi?Regret the purchase?

Boy meh skybox playing up, was suppose to get it Tuesday but they say everything didn't reach intīme for consolidation, and Thursday was holiday. So Tuesday again for it. Hopefully I getting it then, at which time I cud answer yUh question :)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 10:09:22 AM by MessiaaH »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #589 on: December 01, 2013, 11:32:30 AM »

Wow..i had no Idea that would've been the result. My bad.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

Let that be a lesson.  Leave them arguments out of this thread, because Messiaah will always be right there to beat you over the head with it.  :laughing7:

I'll pose the same question here as I did in the PS4 thread...

How did Customs treat those of you who decided to import the Xbone yourselves?  :)
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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #590 on: December 01, 2013, 12:40:52 PM »
Microsoft dominated Black Friday with the Xbox One, according to US market research report

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #591 on: December 01, 2013, 06:34:57 PM »
Well messiah, how people go buy ps4 if it sell out all over?

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #592 on: December 01, 2013, 06:40:28 PM »
Who problem is that? lolol. Point is MS selling more right now. cause they smart enough to ramp up production to satisfy demand. And the 360 double the sales of the PS3 as well, i'm quite sure the PS3 aint out of stock.

Always some excuse eh lololol. Man cant see xbox doing well and say, yea boy, they selling in true. Always some stupid retort.

When men sell 1 million in 24hrs, d retort was..."they sold that world-wide, sony sales was in north America" as if it made a difference, if sony chose to sell more of their stock in US/Canada and MS chose to distribute across d globe don't make a different to d amount either sell. Both sell around d same so far. lolololol. 1 Million sold on mars, and 1 million sold in US is d same 1 million.

But again, sony is caught with they pants down. First not enough servers to satisfy PSN, now not enough consoles to satisfy buyers. :laughing7: Non of which has anything to do with PS3 stock :laughing7: carry on.

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #593 on: December 01, 2013, 06:49:17 PM »
Ramp up production? Lol, more like nobody buying.

ps4  have at least a mil lead over xbone in sales last ah check.So that means sony meetin more demand than micro.

How it is these still available, unless maybe idk, they not sellin?

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #594 on: December 01, 2013, 06:56:21 PM »
It had stores that were sold out of "day-one-edition" consoles, and get more for black Friday sales. That proves nothing. What evidence you have that sony sales mildy ahead of xbox?

I just post a very tangible stat of sale performance of xbox units vs PlayStation units. Collectively the xbox holds 60% of for the sales market share from blackfriday, sony holds 30%

Find some numbers to back up your claim and post that nah.

Quoted from your very article:
Update: This was quick. The listing appeared and then quickly went out of stock within an hour with approximately 800 consoles sold.

Incase that wasn't plain enough, they were instantly sold out when they were made available........


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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #595 on: December 01, 2013, 07:09:59 PM »
You want numbers, ah go bring them next week when they count in EU sales for ps4.But just remember ps4 sold just as much as xbone did in 13 countries in just usa and canada.So yuh sure yuh want to go the numbers route?

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #596 on: December 01, 2013, 07:17:05 PM »
Did I not just point out those numbers don't necessarily mean jack squat?
Sony barely have enough consoles available to service ah black Friday sale....lololol. It don't matter which part of d whole d sale made. In the begging stages of a console launch, every unit produced will be sold. both PS4/Xbox One sold out EVERYWHERE! MS just managing to produce more, and put on sale, and that stock only lasting an hr at best before all gone. So as MS make consoles they flying off shelves. Whoever could keep up with that production better, is who going to sell more at d end of this launch window.

D real battle go start mid next year, when launch window rush done, to see how sustained sales of the console going.

So yes bob, I want to go d numbers route, because you have no numbers to back up anything right now, just assumption and propaganda, and want to shit in xbox face, at least have some kinda facts to backup d fowl smell nah :laughing7:

If next week sony some how manage to have another million console produced that sold in the EU then ill happily say, yea boy, sony outselling them. But right now that's just not the case. And going off of available US numbers, MS selling more.

Now until you have said numbers.....

« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 07:22:15 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #597 on: December 01, 2013, 07:27:30 PM »
U seriously doubtin sony go pull ah mil out ah eu? Then it still have japan to go. The numbers will not side with micro

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #598 on: December 01, 2013, 07:31:08 PM »
I not doubting sony's ability to sell all they units....I doubting they ability to produce that much to sell.

Both companies target to sell about 5 million units at the end of the quarter. If sony want to focus all of that on US first, then hit EU, then hit makes no difference. If MS want to sell it in quantities of 250k batches spread out.

Ah don't think you grasping where I coming from. So lets not carry on with ah back and fort, i'll just wait until you have them figures for me...

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Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #599 on: December 02, 2013, 07:43:19 AM »


Re: Everything Xbox ONE
« Reply #599 on: December 02, 2013, 07:43:19 AM »


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  • Red Paradox: anyone play EA Sports UFC 3.. Looking for a challenge. PSN: Flippay1985 :)
    May 09, 2018, 11:00:52 PM
  • cold_187: @TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade" ;)
    February 05, 2018, 10:22:14 AM

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