Mez, my crew all pre-order the beta, and we does be swetin SC2 and Dirt 3 nightly.Swet does usually start at 8-8.30 trini time.Fall een.Players in the roster right now that does be tossing up in d sc2.MessiaHSmilieIsMe2003JuckamanKareosBerzerkSpawn <- NASTY MAN!PhoenixTristan6 of the 9 have the beta. So we does run beta when d others not available.Teamspeak Details: / g@m3
Spawn is meh brother, so I know how nasty he can be in sc2.and we does play mostly teams, we try to balance it based on who around to swet,and yea I all for ah smash up, my crew kinda shitty phoenix spawn and isme are good, d rest still if ur crew good we go have to mix and match to balance accordingly.I go let spawn know yuh call him out, he mite kill u first lol.