You'll find here the current OCCT ToDo-list, and feature that are currently under implementation. I'll try to keep this post updated as much as i can.You are free to participate and post feature request in this post. Please do so !Please understand that i won't say yes to everything you ask for. But give it a shot, i have a very strong tendency to listen to what people ask for !Here's what's planned for OCCT's future :CPU:LINPACK : Implement HT Support by launching 2 different linpack processes (by cutting memory usage by 2) DONEGPU:MEMTEST : get GPU:MEMTEST to run on ATI Hardware, somehow.GPU:3D : Disable the possibility of resizing the WindowGPU:3D : Various efficiency improvement if possible (hotter,harder, better, faster, stronger...) Under Way, but lots of workPOWER SUPPLY : Look into the possibility of making the HD spins, DVD drive spins, well, try to load the Power supply more. This is the lowest priority, as the HDD and DVD drives power consumption is low compared to the GPU and CPU usage (I'd say 2 to 3%, roughly).MISC : Customize the IDLE time at the beginning and the end of the tests (not a very high priority there as well)MISC : add a maximum GPU temperature thresholdYour turn !
na thaz it there... no more powwwaaaahh!!