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Topic: Fuh U Showtime (Read 2993 times)
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Fuh U Showtime
February 26, 2004, 10:45:10 PM »
Well hear wha is d scene nah hoss under all seriousness an ting i would really like to challenge u in ah game wha yuh does play sof mvc 1&2
sfvsxmen cause i hear u bullsh*t yuhself in dat last thread and i really need to see why u in love with yuhself and cmon fear men doh be on me i just issueing ah honourable challenge so showtime lewwe see if u are what u boast about and lewwe geh one ting straight it have no comming in dis thread or any part ah d forums after and playing ah bubble head and boasting how yuh beat mih right i done Accept or decline is up to u
Doh study it i will not think of u less than u are if u decline Why? cause i didnt think of u in any other way before respect is earned not given by yourself P.S big up to girl like Asian Spice who fuh she life cyar beat mih in AOE2 and Baego fuh duckin mih strong in Euro Monday lol
Fuh U Showtime
February 26, 2004, 10:45:10 PM »
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #1 on:
February 26, 2004, 11:34:25 PM »
umm, hoss, i'd luv to play you in all of those games but I don't live in Trinidad so it'll be kindof hard to make that little sweat.
call me in like a couple months. maybe december or something. doh dig no horrors about it, man. doh worry we go sweat.
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #2 on:
February 27, 2004, 12:24:37 AM »
aight bro jus remember mih challenge and stop beein an ass on d forums cause it not helpin yuh posture and yuh clan for that matter yuh know why cause dat is one ah d reasons why i have a permanent beef with FIA clan when dey now come dey was all mout and well dey throw wey dey crappy players now but dey still crappy in ah way *looks at man like killa* anyways lol u doh gain street cred like dat
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #3 on:
February 27, 2004, 12:28:00 AM »
Yea, but the difference is that i don't talk trash to people. I big up myself and my crew. If other people want to get vex over that, then that's technically not my problem, and it's that kind of attitude that gets people mad and they don't realize that i dont care. let'em get mad, no years off my life.
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #4 on:
February 27, 2004, 12:35:19 AM »
now yuh see when u big up thyself and thy crew u need to have ppl from d outside who could back up yuh talk and say yes that mc hot and he beat d crap outta mih yuh fuhgettin that gatt is where challenges take place and where clan rank is made and reputations are broken referring ounce again to FIA clan whho make ah name fuh deyself cause dey talk up in dey arse and had men like ultramite and well killa to lead dem know that u have played no one and no one knows u that much to think that u in talkin up in yuh mc
Fuh U Showtime
Reply #4 on:
February 27, 2004, 12:35:19 AM »
Posts: 1506
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #5 on:
February 27, 2004, 12:49:49 AM »
aite fellas
allyuh big up allyuh challenge
doh start no more wars on d forums plz
somtimes i does wonder whey d gatt peace gone...
we go run sum sof2 an aoe in a timin eh dizzle..challenge for u lol(i go lose buh sweat is sweat)
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #6 on:
February 27, 2004, 01:32:41 AM »
Q: ok, we're here, in some dust state, usa and we've had a chance to sit down and talk with ShowTime about some of the things taking place lately and about his clan F.E.A.R.
Q: Now, what is your response to QDizzle's comment mostly pertaining to how people may view you on gatt?
A: well for the people that dont know me, it's their fault that they don't know me. Imma do what I do, me nah cater for nobody esp not just because they "mighten know me" or they "mighten know if I'm cool or not". Hell, I'm cool b/c I say I'm cool.
All 6 billion people on earth could be sayin "yo, ShowTime is this and ShowTime is that, and Show is rel cool and ting" but if I dont think I'm cool then it doesn't mean anything. Does it? And on the opposite. They could be out there chanting "ShowTime sucks" {shrugs} but how i look at myself, if it's positive, I'll always suceed. And you know, sometimes I go out there and I get my ass handed to me, and I'm not going to lie about it, but if I keep my self esteem then I'm able to pick my head up and do whateva.
You know? and it has a lot of people come up to me and say stupid crap. you know? Like Bushman5. now here's...
Q: Bushman5, now you've had some controversy with hiim lately haven't you?
A: Yea this is a guy with big self esteem problems. Anybody who can try to pick at or make fun of someone promoting one's self has to have some sort of psycological problem. I dont know maybe he wasn't breastfed as a kid, whatever it's not my problem. But uh, clearly he was feeling a bit insecure about himself and, uh, decided to direct some comments toward me. But, and I'm a little ashamed of this but, I fuel on the irratibility of others. So when a guy like Bushman comes toward me, I know what's gonna make him tick, I know what's gonna get under his skin, and i also know what kinds of things he's gonna use on me. So it's kinda like a puppet on a string, ya know? You play my game for a while, till your no longer necessary and then I put you back on the shelf.
And then you have people like Androsovic, who is a little confused but likes to jump on the bandwagon. I mean, a couple of threads ago the guys posting "hey ShowTime reeks of awesomeness" and that's great. I dont care, but it's still great. now's he's all like "showtime's gay and more crap".
Q: And you have a problem with that?
A: And i have a problem with that. My problem with that is one of my biggest pet pieves is Posing. I dispise posers. Either your one thing or you not. Don't be a hypocrite. Now if ya dont like me, dont like me but dont smile in my face and tell me that you're my friend. Ya know and homosexuality is a funny thing esp on gatt. I'm surprised none of the mods saw it and deleted it or something but mostly, I'm surprised that Andro could spell gay and understand the concept that's behind it. I mean seriously, what is he like........7 going on 8?
Q: ...What about your clan?
A: Yea, they're great, I have a lot of respect for them, mostly because they tell it like it is, ya know. No bullsh*t. And we look out for each other, if I'm doing something and you know they come up to me and they're like "yo, man what are you doin? you can't be doing that, that's not right" you know? i know to correct myself. because these are the people that know me, you know. If some random assclown just came on the forums and was like "hey showitme stop being an assh*le" then my normal response would be "f*ck you, suck my dick" you know?
Cause that's all i need, just me and my clan. I don't need anybody else, I dont need anything else, I dont need gatt, I dont need rank or anything, I dont need all that stress. Between me and my friends, I know who I am. I make my own rank. I make my own reputation. I am everything that i say I am. I'm probably everything that alot of people say I am. (except for androsovic, he has problems) And it's the fact that I dont care that allows me to say whatever I want to people, or type whatever I want to whoever I want on the forums. I can say "hey i feel like flippin off some mods" or "f*ck you pyroslasher, you're a jerk". You know? I can come out of the blue and say things like "god i feel pretty" because I CAN and there isn't anything anybody can do about it.
Q: What about the suggestion that you should be banned from gatt?
A: Tch, you gotta be kidding me. You actually read Bushman's post? Well, when he grows up and becomes a moderator (hahaha) then he can ban whoever he wants I guess. I don't know, it'll give him a sense of satisfaction.
Q: Well there you have it. We've been chatting with ShowTime straight from some hell hole in the middle of nowhere, usa.
A: You think you know? You have no idea. This is the diary of ShowTime...
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #7 on:
February 27, 2004, 01:48:36 AM »
*takes a picture and frames the post*
And THAT there...ladies and gents...is just the beginning of the Diary of ShowTime...
Posts: 656
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #8 on:
February 27, 2004, 01:51:49 AM »
Yea you know how it is Eva, interviews and what not
Posts: 1629
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #9 on:
February 27, 2004, 01:58:40 AM »
Yeah buh hoss u dat full of thy self to make a Q and A askin yuhself d questions and answering it anyways wha i really mean is doh bring d confusion from d awesome thread here thank u this is d thread where u keep mih posted on when yuh could play mih and btw if u play aoe i could run sumting on msn iymc yuh know
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #10 on:
February 27, 2004, 02:01:07 AM »
...a...o...e?? this might be a stupid question, but what's that?
Posts: 1553
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Fuh U Showtime
Reply #11 on:
February 27, 2004, 07:36:22 AM »
there is no need to make this thread public, just pm him and talk about the challenge. doh hadda make a thread for it
Fuh U Showtime
Reply #11 on:
February 27, 2004, 07:36:22 AM »
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@TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade"
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