Ultra-violent, ultra-stylish, petrol-headed entertainment with enough arthouse flair to keep it interesting. Go watch it. But don't expect Fast & Furious 6. And don't take the kids.
this IS a screener. more specifically it is a rough cut probably from being in competition at Cannes this year. The score is different [this early version was scored by David Lynch's regular composer Angelo Badalamenti] the violent moments are not as bloody [a sign that there is more CG in DRIVE than you would think] and there are several small editing and shot differences through out the film. still we should be so lucky to have this so soon.
this is DRIVE, but this is NOT the theatrical version. This version has a different score and is not completely edited. The color filter hasnt been applied yet and some of the CGI blood effects arent done. This may be a rough cut version of the film.DEFINITELY watch the theatrical/completed version before watching this one.