I made time to play 'em yes. Could not miss out on this sci-fi gem.Put the children to sleep, buy the misses dinner, bribe grandpa, do whatever and play 1 and 2 boy arc. You will not regret it.In less glowing news, just read this article:http://www.digitfreak.com/entertainment/game/1060-bioware-looses-it-s-lead-writer-drew-karpyshyn.htmlSeems the lead writer got the 10 year itch and decided to leave bioware. He wrote some of the best stuff for Mass Effect 1 and 2.Wonder how the script writing is in Mass Effect 3 without him at the helm?The timeliness of this news is a bit worrying as well. He could have waited until after the game came out to buss out of Bioware. I hope he isn't doing this now as a preemptive strike to say "I didn't have anything to do with the script in ME3" if it turns out to be horrid.in 14 more days, we'll find out
Speaking of 14 more days Wyatt (13 now!), cariszone offering any discounts on pre-ordering this badboy? I'm looking at throwing my money on it the minute i realise i got paid.