Author Topic: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)  (Read 49713 times)

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #140 on: December 13, 2010, 04:54:25 PM »
dey dont matter to you maybe, but they do matter to this discussion.
BC2 is d only cod-type game ive bought/really freaked. and i had it on pc, and i well enjoy mehself.

And yes some have been around for a while, like steam, steam not new.
BUT!!! d fact that nearly all releases showing up on steam, says ALOT!


Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #140 on: December 13, 2010, 04:54:25 PM »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #141 on: December 13, 2010, 04:58:13 PM »
It does! but how long you think thats going to be the case?

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #142 on: December 13, 2010, 05:03:59 PM »
i think its going to be d case for years on end. again, did u guys read d articles, d president of steam says, sales has shown a steady increase over d past 2 years, how could dat NOT matter?

Microsoft has totaly revamped gfl marketplace to sell digital games, how could dat NOT matter.

Dese companies investing billions of dollors, behind a platform dat U say going to die?

So all microsoft, valve, blizzard, all dem men researchers dont know what dey doing.
And you do. lol.

With HUGE heavy hitters like that, in full support of pc gaming, i dont see death anywhere in site. Hell microsoft owns d dam xbox, dey muss see d sales of wahtever outweighing d pc, yet still dey juss spend ah money upgrading gfwl marketplace for pc, WHY?

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #143 on: December 13, 2010, 05:13:42 PM »
What I find completely disheartening/disappointing is Messiah total opposition to all things console. I think after 8 pages we can ALL AGREE TO DISAGREE, I think EVERYONE agrees PC gaming isn't DEAD, but as the thread name states DEAD as WE KNOW IT. It's definitely not in it's golden age with LAN sweats abound, etc, but it's still a stronghold in certain respects.

As a PC/Console gamer who owns both, plays both, appreciates both, I am FOR PC gaming being alive and thriving, I am also for consoles getting their day to shine. As a man on this very forum who agreed with Messiaah self and even PUT MY MONEY where my mouth was and bought DOW II JUST TO SWEAT a HANDFULL of men in GOW on the PC, and in the VERY FEW sweats I got in, it was really nice and I was happy to have spent the money to enjoy the company of my fellow bredren, I am REAL saddened that the man won't (NOT EVEN AT NO COST) to himself borrow he bro Xbox and enjoy a sweat with us.

If that ain't a complete denial of comradery I doh know what is... Heck Wyatt extended the branch to BOPS on the PC and I in turn him on Xbox, at LEAST I as a PC/Console gamer can see the Merit in Both platforms and have put my money, time and effort where my MOUTH is and given EACH a go. Where is the love?

Offline Spazosaurus

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #144 on: December 13, 2010, 05:26:04 PM »
Like i said these digital distos matter. Colour me unimpressed with gfwl but steam yes. All im saying is that as it stands now, even with what is being done, it is NOT ENOUGH to stop the steady downplay of the pc.

As was said before, 360 sales outnumber that on pc EXPONENTIALLY and it grows every year.

The writing on the wall is bold, type 30, caps. Very easy to see. I'll enjoy the serious titles on PC (not plants vs zombies on steam or the 2 year old games gfwl decides to sell) on the pc as long as possible.

But the way things going these days, again, read black ops, I dont see many devs making a proper effort to bring a proper experience to the glory platform.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 05:28:09 PM by Captain Awesome »


Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #144 on: December 13, 2010, 05:26:04 PM »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #145 on: December 13, 2010, 05:27:46 PM »
I think the question needs to be asked.
In the case where PC gaming dies (probably not a complete death, as which may happen); Do you think that gamers would be loosing out?

IMO, no.
What's the consensus?

btw, don't u think it looks like the Heavy is screaming aaAAHHH, in my steam sig?  :awesome:
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 05:29:43 PM by Doomtack »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #146 on: December 13, 2010, 05:29:53 PM »
PC elitists will loose out. Those with all platforms will win.

Offline MessiaaH

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #147 on: December 13, 2010, 06:38:29 PM »
Wintry, what part of, I DONT HAVE D TIME! u eh get? lolol.
Im a pc gamer, and i eh even finish beat mass effect 2 yet, h stil have to finish bioshock one.
And i have ah whole lineup of titles wiating on me to play.

When i getin time to borrow xbox to swet with alyuh?

When i do get d time to game, its going to be on PC.

Im not anti console, im pro pc, dont confuse d 2.
Ive said before, i bought ah wii.

But for me to buy a console, i need something called, a system seller.
For d wii, d system seller for me was Zelda.
If nintendo releases a wii 2 tomrow with a new zelda, im buying both imediately.
If 1 year after dat it have wii 3 with a next zelda, SOLD!

But presently d ps3/xbox dont have a system seller FOR MEEEE.
I've said already, jak 4 release on ps3 tomrow? SOLD! tekken vs sf? Maybe.
Xbox juss ent have nothing that worth my time, cuase nearly all on pc, and d ones dat not, im not a big fan.

I love console gaming (once ah game sells d console to me) and i love pc gaming.
But d name of d thread is, IS PC GAMING DEAD, i think not, so my comments will reflect as such. it dont mean i dont like console gaming. lol. or anti console.

If d thread was, is d ps3 doomed because of wii, id comment tuh suit. etc etc etc.
I rel defended sony, when ppl say, xbox go kill it. I REL defend dem, with they exclusives like rathet and clank, god of war, etc etc. I have rel love for sony. And my comments for dat played out. sony is still hittin hard. I juss waitin on my best ps2 title, to make it to d ps3, before i delve in, at which time ill aquire d god of war, uncharted, etc etc.

Until then, console gaming coudl take ah back seat.
I have nuff to kill as is on PC.
There was a year i built ah high end pc rig, with hardly anything to play.
Past 2 years i relished in d fact, that i build my gaming machine, becuase nuff game to keep me smiling ear to ear.

So alyuh could keep eatin alyuh sour grapes bout pc gaming dead.
And ill continue to enjoy myself on the platform that will never die.
When jak 4 release, i go join alyuh fellers on d ps3. (or tekken).
Xbox needs to come good with ah proper zelda-type game, to get my sale.


All d time alyuh men bashing d pc, whole bleddy thread pc getting licks.
I stand up for PC, and i magicaly anti console, well yes lololol.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 06:43:44 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #148 on: December 13, 2010, 07:17:46 PM »
i just bought 4 copies of Fifa 11 for the "dying" pc platform.
Me, Isme, ProblemSolver, Phoenix, swiping it to swet with phillo and warone.
In honor of the PC Gaming is NOT! dead week.

Tonight is gears of war.
Every day we picking ah pc game, and swetin d shit out of it.
COH Online up next.
we have dirt 2, starcraft 2, l4d2, sf4, rel games on d roster.
All PC loyalists, FALL EEENNN!!!

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« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 07:42:50 PM by TriniWyatt »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #150 on: December 13, 2010, 07:45:38 PM »
Wah de Hell?

But like is "PC games awareness week ah wat!"  :lol:

In terms of how games are played ie "peripherals", PC gaming hasnt evolved much over the years which cud be factor that shud be taken into consideration as well...

A keyboard and mouse is staple equipment for us PC gamers in here, this is understood.

Take for instance that same Black Ops and even Cricket on the wii vs the counterpart on the PC. Both games are the same but the use of the wii remote to play is captivating for any level of gamer period (and by extention xbox360 kinetic an so on..)

It may not be our bread and butter in terms of peripherals, but lets face it, it simply works.

Imagine my 50yr dad literally beggin for a wii for Christmas whic i bought...what does that say?

Offline MessiaaH

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #151 on: December 13, 2010, 07:58:04 PM »
it says dat nintendo wtf pwon d other 2 in console sales thats what! lolol

All respect to nintendo boy, dem men great.

D only 10 rated titled for d year given by ign, was a nintendo game.
Super mario galaxy 2.

On d technically inferior wii.
But lets not sway, PC GAMING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!! (lololol)

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #152 on: December 13, 2010, 08:11:24 PM »
it's been a while since I've posted on gatt, and well i saw this thread and i honestly didn't want to post anything, because this "PC gaming is dead" is pretty much a perpetual argument.

I'm a PC guy, never owned a console, yes i have played all the platforms, but i always love the PC. i was mainly a pirate, still a pirate, but not as much as before since i work to be able to buy games now. statistically yes, the consoles are owning the PC's with all the numbers. Sales, hours played, all go to the consoles. But i will never say PC gaming is dead. It's obviously not as popular as the console platform for sure, but it's not dead. i think the better title for this thread is if PC gaming dying, that will be a better argument to thrash out. but i will play on my preferred platform until it is no more, God forbid. A console will be nice to have, but i barely have time to finish one title on my PC now, i can't handle a console ATM.

Games i own:


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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #153 on: December 13, 2010, 10:04:12 PM »
Wah de Hell?

But like is "PC games awareness week ah wat!"  :lol:

LoL :lol: !!! ......I personally don't think its dead yet....

and like Philo I've never owned a console thgt abt buying one now and then

but @ the end of the day I know it'll be wasting my money

and end up being a dust bunny (for me) cause is only so much Tekken and SF I cld handle

all other games I play I use KB&M I dislike controllers

only other game i use a controller for is splinter cell but that's another story.

the only thing i was considering as of late was a wii.....

but thnx to dolphin i dont need to anymore :D (*thnx to messiah for that post)


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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #154 on: December 13, 2010, 10:15:12 PM »
Count me in to beat up Warone & Wyatt in SF4.  Also my views -

Arcades - Dead
PC Gaming - Declining (not dying)
Consoles - Alive and well

« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 10:17:54 PM by rb »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #155 on: December 13, 2010, 10:42:10 PM »
A picture says a thousand words.

Extrapolate the trend for 2009 and 2010
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 11:08:39 PM by TriniWyatt »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #156 on: December 13, 2010, 10:49:27 PM »
Oh no, clearly that graph is showing pc gaming picking up...yea.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #157 on: December 13, 2010, 11:05:19 PM »
Apparently Messiaah time more important than anyone else so I done

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #158 on: December 13, 2010, 11:09:26 PM »
lol, this is a modern translation of the graph's statistical data.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #159 on: December 13, 2010, 11:38:10 PM »
A picture says a thousand words.

Extrapolate the trend for 2009 and 2010

i need context for that graph doh wyatt...

but anyways my 2 cents:

if is sales i think allyuh watchin the wrong graphs... sales for games for consoles will increase as consoles become harder to "mod/crack" and the added support for online gaming.

you will never see as significant numbers in sales for pc games as people will more than likely pirate (which is why you can never use sales figures as a way to determine health of pc gaming)

but when you check out games like scII releasing and millions being sold in one day, millions of people playing WoW... hell millions more playing farmville -.-...
but if you notice the trend you will find that you will get high sales figures for games that cannot be easily pirated or games that when pirated it defeats the purpose (SCII)... so i really believe (as somebody has said before) that if pc developers make games harder to crack sales figures will rise...

admittedly, developers will quicker develop a game for say xbox first and then port it to pc as it works out cheaper and more efficient for them... that imo does not diminish pc gaming

btw.. i'm not partial to pc or console... wherever the game is hot thats where i am... but you wont see me getting a game for ps3 if a superior version exists for the pc (DA:O, ME2 etc etc)


Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #159 on: December 13, 2010, 11:38:10 PM »


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