dx11 doesnt automatically mean improved graphics. One of the main selling points of that architecture was accelerated processing over dx10. There are advanced graphical features but dont think that all those games are actually going to use them.Not saying that people like Codemasters arent going to take full advantage but apart from Dirt3, I dont expect any graphically breathtaking games.
e a work of art. u want the best canvas, richest colors, and most awe inspiring set pieces to really dig into, sit back and bask in it. This is especially true for the single player games. Remember Dragon Age (Yes its one example) but this looked gorgeous on PC, however it looked like doggie pooh on both consoles (and yes I was actually able to compare) There are many other examples of this, not to mention physix and interactivity with the environment a la battlefield, or batman Arkham Asylum. And we en even touch Direct x 11. (dirt 2 on pc vs console is almost a different game)
if funds allow next year I might dive in on 360, but not in the immediate future. (unless I could convince sister to sell Wii)
well if we need to do something to bump d numbers, how bout start by NOT bashing d pc, but promoting pc swet?