Compiled from various posts on
Nasty stuff. At the end, is also a very detailed Canon Rush guide.
Normal cheeses
ZvX 4 pool (for lulz)
6 extractor (gas steal)
5 extractor (gas steal)
4 pool
Lings.. if you win be sure to tell your awesome strategy
ZvZ 6pool spine push
6 pool
drone (so you have 7 food)
6 lings + move out with 1 drone exactly when making the lings, because the lings are much faster
Move out another drone a little bit before you're inside the other zerg's base
Build spine while defending it with lings. If the opponents lings goes for the spine, then attack them, else just run around with lings and buy time for the spine to finish
ZvP 7 pool econ - thanks to Ephemerality
7 pool
drone (so you have 8 food)
extractor trick -> 6 lings
Very small time difference and much better econ (than 6pool)
ZvP - baneling timing attack - thanks to purerythem
13 gas
13 pool
drone to 15
queen, ling speed
when ling speed is half way done drop baneling nest
push out to opp's base just before speed finishes.
speed + bling nest will pop almost simultaneously. you should have enough gas to make 8 blings, bust and rally lings.
ZvT, ZvP hatchery rush <- Link
Zv T,P Proxy Hatch
10 overlord -> extract trick (scout)
12 Send another Drone
14 Hatch in Opponent's base
16 Pool
15 Extractor
16 Overlord
@100 gas ling speed
Things to Note:
-With Your second drone, you attack something inconsequential to draw their attention. MOST players will not be able to tell the difference b/n the 2 drones unless they stick a probe on it, in which case you just play standard.
-Try and keep the 2nd drone alive, it'll make things alot easier. If neccessary steal their gas and cancel when nearly done.
-When Hatch finishes, get a queen and 1 pair of lings IF your second drone is still alive, if not get a drone. Make 2nd Drone morph into Spine Crawler. Pool should finish when Hatch finishes.
-When Queen finishes, IF you judge your creep not to reach their nexus, get a tumour, If they're light on Def, do Inject. If not, save energy for transfusion.
-Make Drones/Lings based on your judgement. You'll need about 3 spine crawlers to be effective. Make 1-2 lings to hit mineral line.
-All this time, you morph lings from home base and rally to opponents ramp, for chance of sneaking in/prevent counter.
-Get another queen in the proxy hatch when you can.
-Spine Crawlers has massive range, and deals + dmg to cannons, so it SHOULD be able to take down cannons. Spread creep tumour to prevent terran from building too many bunkers near your spine crawlers.
-If they do have bunker up, just reposition. But always have spine crawlers/lings covering each other (ie, don't uproot all).
-Don't 4get to morph lings from home base to prevent counter.
If some1 tell me how to post reps, i'll post some of the ones i've managed to pull off =]]
EDIT: The strong point of this build is, your not cutting drones or getting an early pool so opponent isn't gonna suspect anything. This works best against ppls with bad game sense to realise that your pool is going down VERY late (almost like your planting a hatch somewhere =P). But even then, most high-tiered players SHOULD just be assuming a hatch is being placed down, and go and check expo. If they do that, you'll have enough time to chuck down the pool on most maps. Then, they'll just think your just bad... Suprise is everything =]]
TvX Ultrafast banshee - thanks to ShadowDrgn
10 gas
10 rax
11 depot
11 factory
resume scv production and make a marine to kill scout
15 starport
16 tech lab (on factory or rax for float)
16 depot
16 banshee
20 OC
TvX 3-rax cheese (all in rush)
9 rax
9 scv (stop scv production here, 10 is max)
10 depot
rally rax to your ramp to deny scout. Now ONLY build marines
11 rax
13 rax
16 depot
rally all rax to a marine, push out with 6 marines
pump marines and try to win
TvP/TvT scrap station planetary fortress rush
7 gas + put guys on gas asap
11 engineering bay
When you have 150/150 load 5 scvs and move the other 2 manually to opponents base. Be sure to have some excess gas for repairing the PF
Fly to opponents base
Upgrade to PF and mine opponents minerals with your own scvs
Load scvs into PF if they get focused
6 scv
7 scv
8 gas + 3 workers ASAP
8 scv
9 scv
9/10 rax in base + send one scv to proxy factory
10 factory + rally to opponent's base
10 supply depot in base
10 armory at the factory proxy
10 tech lab
10 Thor + mine about 100 min / 50 gas for Thor repairs and then move your SCV's to your factory or to intercept the thor
The strength of the fast thor is that the build looks almost normal, so any scouting may not detect cheese.
TvP Nuke Rush <- link Build
10 - Supply Depot
11 - Barracks
12 - Scv Scout
13 - Gas
15 Gas - Tech Lab
16 - Supply Depot
150 Minerals - Orbital Command Upgrade
18 - Second Gas
Ghost Academy
Build Marauders with your excess minerals, until you can get a ghost out. You want to produce a ghost as soon as the ghost academy comes up, so the ghost will have energy. Then research cloak and finally, build a nuke. Move your entire force out when the nuke is halfway done, depending on the size of the map. Save 50 energy on your CC so you can scan the base and make sure there are no cannons. If there are cannons at the choke, put on pressure and nuke the choke, this will force the Protoss to fall back, allowing you to take the ramp and destroy his production buildings
TvZ Nuke Rush <- link[hide]Basic Build
10 - Supply Depot
11 - Barracks
13 - Gas
14 - 1 Marine
15 - Orbital Command Upgrade
16 - Supply Depot
Timings mostly relative
Orbital Command Opening
Variation - Supply Depot before Refinery to block off the ramp in order to deny drone scout
Get 2 or 3 Marines
16~17 2nd Refinery
@150 , get both Factory and Reactor on Barracks
100% Factory:
Switch Factory and Barracks; 2 Hellions and throughout
Techlab on Barracks
Ghost Academy
Techlab Barracks
@100% - Marauder, Stimpack, Cloak
@100% Marauder - Ghost, then 2 more Marauders
Variation - get Marines instead of Marauders on maps like Lost Temple and Desert Oasis to use the nearby cliff to your advantage
35~37 Starport
@100% Starport - Switch Starport and Factory
Viking and Medivac
@100% Cloak - Nuke
100% Viking - Make way for drops to natural or main base
100% Medivac
Load 3 Marauders and 1 Ghost
Drop and nuke Zerg's hatchery while 3 stimpacked Marauders attack the targeted building (hatchery or tech buildings)
Pick off any fleeing drones with remaining Hellions
TvT fast reaper - thanks to BlasiuS
6/7/8 barracks
6/7/8 gas, 3 SCVs on it immediately when done
@ 100% barracks, tech lab
@ 100% tech lab, reapers
10 depot
@ 150 minerals, OC
TvX BBS - thanks to Inkarnate
10 Proxy Rax
11 Proxy Rax
11 Supply
Pump marines, use scvs to tank or build bunkers.
PvX generic zealot rush thanks to ScDeluX
Save all chrono boost
10 pylon
10 gate
11 gate
PvX korean 4 warpgate - thanks to Plexa
Chronoboost your nexus as soon as possible, do not chronoboost again
10 pylon (scout)
10 Gateway
13 Assimilator (mine with 3 workers until you have 50 gas, pulling one worker off at 44, another at 48 and the last at 52)
15 Core (gas should be finished about now), when this completes begin warpgate and chronoboost continuously
Continue probing to 18
At 18 add three gateways
When warp is about 75% done start building pylons in the other guys main (4 is a good number)
2v2 (and up) cheeses
11 speedling and mass pre-igniter hellion <- link
I have two to add. These can be hard countered, but usually are not, and have single-handedly won me many many 2v2's 3v3's and 4v4's.
edit: I just wanted to say that both of these builds are designed to continue spamming zergling/hellions (keep up the pressure) with 1hatch1queen/2fact off of 1 base until either (A) you decide to transition out of it or (
you run out of mineral patches. The hellion one gives you enough minerals to expand in the middle of aggression, but you definitely shouldn't cut workers because you need all those extra minerals right after your factories finish.
11 drone speedling:
10 pool
10 overlord
10 extractor
11 queen (you will have ~exactly 150 minerals to spawn her)
put 3 workers on gas until 100, then take them off
*It is extremely important that you spam spawn larva as often as possible.
research metabolic boost
spam zerglings with all of your larva, two extra overlords at ~16 and ~24. One more at 34 to replenish your forces, you prbly wont need another until transitioning out of this.
You will have about 30 zerglings when your speed upgrade finishes, which is when you go to attack. DO NOT ATTACK BEFORE YOUR UPGRADE IS FINISHED. This strat relies heavily on surprise, and giving it away by rushing with your allies ~1 minute before this is ready will ruin it.
Countered by:
Walls (you can still break a protoss sometimes though).
The same strategy.
Unless you do enough damage, this is extremely hard to transition out of. It is also extremely micro-intensive; you must micro well without missing any larva injections. Always favor killing workers if there is an opportunity to. Always try to find the person that doesn't have a wall. For this reason, I usually only do it in 2v2 if one of them is zerg. The only hope they have is to make some banelings and even then I can still dodge them.
If you fail to kill a lot of workers you will probably lose. Just hold map control while you have it. Expanding can be very dangerous and is not reccomended. Try going for roaches.
Mass Pre-Igniter Hellion: (not as refined as the 11 drone speedling)
9 depot
12 rax
14ish gas
orbital command (spam mules)
factory asap
second geyser right about same time as first factory.
tech lab on the barracks (lift and put first factory here when done)
do not get supply blocked
second factory
start preigniter upgrade asap
stop scv production at ~22 workers
reactor on barracks (lift and put second factory here when done)
second reactor on the barracks for when the tech lab is finished upgrading.
You will need a total of 475 gas to start off with. You do not need more (2 reactors, 1 tech lab, 2 factories, preigniter upgrade). So take off all 6 of your SCV's on gas and put them on minerals when you have enough for all of these.
Spam 2 reactor factories worth of preigniter upgraded hellions pretty much as fast as you possibly could. This cheese is similar to my 11drone speedling in that you target the workers (and that it is extremely micro-intensive). I have tried my 11drone speedling hundreds of times and I gotta say this one is more powerful, let alone the fact that it even directly counters the 11 drone speedling. I just wanted to say here that there's nothing more satisfying that roasting 20 workers in less than a second.
Countered by:
Walls (you can still break them if they're undefended surprisingly fast)
Marauders (ONLY if upgraded with concussive shells. Nobody said you have to fight them with your hellions)
Stalkers. Stalkers move very fast, and even though I've actually only been countered once by them, it worked extremely well.
EXTREMELY well defended mineral lines. I say extremely because even if you're defending it a little you can still lose almost all of your workers while killing less than half of my hellions.
This strategy is also very surprise-oriented. Most people who rush will want to be rushing about a minute before you are ready. DO NOT GO WITH THEM. You must surprise your enemy.
If this fails, it can be very hard to transition out of. Your best bets involve using your two factories to bust out some siege tanks, or using the reactors and tech lab to bust out some stimmed marines. Oh yeah towards the middle of the offensive part of this cheese, you already mined out half of your minerals.
Borderline cheeses with transition
PvZ cannon contain - thanks to max289
9 pylon (Scout)
10 forge
Then block zergs entrance with two pylons and place cannons behind the pylons. Keeps him in the base for a while hehe.
TvX fast banshee econ - thanks to ShadowDrgn
10 gas
10 rax
11 factory
11 OC
11 depot
11 starport
12 marine
14 tech lab
15 banshee
18 depot
more scvs, second gas, marines/hellions as desired
banshee at 5:30 or so with 16 scvs and about 200 more minerals, but the marine is much later and won't be able to prevent a scout. Much easier to get your second gas for fast cloak in this variation too. If you wall with the rax and factory and build the starport in the middle of your base, you can prevent scouting that way I suppose.