Just my 2 cents on the "Analysis".
Social Gaming? I think PSN and Xbox Live count as social gaming and should get Win. Bejeweled, Tetris, Zuma etc are available on these services, connect to Facebook etc.
Dedicated Servers should be Win on Consoles. It's only the Call of Duty franchise that uses p2p. (because we all know Activision not making enough money to implement).
MMO Experience though currently low is set to change next year with DC Universe Online, Free Realms, Final Fantasy 14 and The Agency all developed in mind for controller and pc/keyboard.
Ease of forming a party for chat should also be High on consoles as simply being in the same party as someone else enables chat. As for PC, chat is usually run via third party software that all players need to get and connect to, so that should knock it down to meh.
Lag issues, just a correction on console side (depends on who is the host), this applies to games that are P2P. Moderate remains correct though as us living in Trinidad, we will always have lag issues regardless of platform.
Dedicated Server performance should be at least a "Meh" or even "Win" on console for aforementioned reasons. Games like Battlefield BC2 and Killzone 2 work the dedicated servers well.
Ability for Community to mod games should be Meh on consoles as a good bunch of games allow for player created mods and give players creation tools for modding on consoles. (at least on PS3). It's all up to the developers to implement this one.
Discounts and Sales on Popular Titles - At least a "meh" for console. Xbox Live and PSN feature weekly sales on games. Also online retailers and brick and mortar slash prices for disc based games regulary, though not as significant as Steam and Direct 2 Drive.
Effect on Competition between AMD/Nvidia/Intel. - This should be not-applicable for consoles, not "Low". The competition here is purely software based with some developers delivering terrible quality titles versus those developing titles that rival PC like Uncharted 2.
Free DLC should be a Win on consoles. There are tonnes of Free DLC on PSN and Xbox Live all the time, the bigger picture of course being the big titles charging for DLC.
Ability to multi-task should be a "Meh" on consoles. Limited to their capability, consoles can access various aspects of their software while in game, even web browser on PS3 in some cases. If this is "purely" a
console OS versus PC OS, Well obviously PC will get the Win, but it will then be non-applicable for consoles as you can't compare the 2 fairly.
Streaming of HD Content - For those living abroad HIGH for consoles. Us locally have to download our HD content, in some cases we can stream content which should at least give consoles and the bigger picture a "Meh".
Mobility of Game collection - This should also be Win for consoles with. It's the same thing as the steam argument really. I can carry my black ops disc to my cousin's house to play on his PS3.
Credit Card for Online Content - High on consoles. This is an option in addition to prepaid cards. The smaller picture being, in Trinidad our credit cards are worthless due to banks of issue.
You guys can debate whether my points are fair or not but given my 2 cents, it's a clear/marginal win for consoles over PCs for gaming. I for one don't wanna get involved in the throw point, argue against point, bring a next argument cycle