@ notniceI'll have to get one of those DVI to HDMI adapters/cables. I suspect it will deliver better quality than the VGA.How much you paid for those P7800 7.1s?? Do you find the 7.1 worth it? Get much use of that? Or should I just stick with 5.1Why a separate audio system for cable tv and Ps3?
@ Berserk is that hdmi switch automatic? Or do you have to select the source?How come you've got so many headset devices? the audio technica, the clear chat and the bluetooth for the ps3?lol @ wii collecting dust. You ain't got the New SMB yet? The Wii sees plenty of action by us with that. Great 4 player game.Never tried the PS3 as a media center. If that works great, it might just eliminate the laptop from the scene. How does it handle sub title files?
Two things I want to get in the immediate future for this setup are 1. an audio switcher, for the speakers, so both PS3 and PC could be connected to speakers without having to physically change the connection everytime.
Radioshack nearly killed me with their sticker shock. $900 for a DVI-HDMI cable and $450 for a DVI-HDMI adapter, a stinkin measly adapter. I know rent in movietowne expensive but Got Damn!