LOLi wud love that Paradigm sub!!but honestly i am considering a Image Dynamics / plate amp combo that go tackle any badboy sub u can buy out there.. its just for me to ballz up and make up my mind.wat price u lookin at though?
Fellas, behold the holy grail of remote controls for your HT setup.I just bought a Logitech Harmony, but had I seen this baby before....SOLD.'d finally be able to evict the Keyboard and Mouse from the living room. (though they will return for Xbox 360 duties when my XIM adapter arrives)
Just re-read this thread and took a mental note to make a parang by IsMe2003 and while so doing, steal all of his audio equipment.
right now i'm putting the finishing touches on my movie collection in XBMC. i'll make a vid and upload it to youtube once it's done. XBMC is 1000% better than Boxee. trust me.