Author Topic: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!  (Read 40089 times)

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2010, 11:43:57 AM »
agreed at the cheap headphones part... and so do cheap speakers...

lets be real... cheap things does spoil lol...
and the main reason headphones spoil: shorts... cheap wiring and abuse
second reason: ppl try to push the drivers to hard.. it cheap so it cant handle the load... it go spoil

but on the real... HQ audio is worth it if you're really into music... some ppl just cant tell the diff between HQ music and lame crap... like men with some load ass music in the car and u hearin the trunk rattlin more than the music and ur eardrums bussin when ya in the car... cuz it soundin horrible... but they cool with it lol


Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2010, 11:43:57 AM »

Offline Crixx_Creww

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2010, 11:47:16 AM »
yeah wired wins on price
and price alone, cause anything you can do wired, you can do wireless
just how far you willing to go.

If you like the crazy man in de gizmodo artilce who spend 300 000 us on his rig
and you put that into a wireless setup, you could mashup wired too

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2010, 11:52:51 AM »
crixx i do not agree.

Wireless technology is not yet at the point to acomplish what you claim it can acomplish. Its just that simple, and d wireless headphones tech you talking about, juss doesnt exist, becuase no company put d funding behind reseraching something like dat, when dey can spend half and develop high end wired headphones.

in ah range from 1-10, d best wireless headphones money can buy, wud probably be ah 5, and wired headphones will take d next 5 spots

As of right now, 2010, wireless headphones juss not what u say it is.
And it wil be 50 years, before it is.

Wireless headphoens was big back in d day when dey now came out, but consumers and retailer quickly realised, spend more money behind wired.

D most ill go is wireless for mobile use, but even mobiel, i running ah hifi/mobile amp lol.


Its like trying to compare a wireless network to wired, if performance is what you looking for, no matter how mcuh money u spend, a wireless network wil only tansfer data  at ah certain speed, becuase d technology is just not at d point right now to take it further. Same holds ture for wireless headphoens vs wired.

I've owned wireless headphones before, and seen the horros dey entail, buyers be ware.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 12:01:10 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2010, 12:12:11 PM »
crixx i do not agree.

Wireless technology is not yet at the point to acomplish what you claim it can acomplish. Its just that simple, and d wireless headphones tech you talking about, juss doesnt exist, becuase no company put d funding behind reseraching something like dat, when dey can spend half and develop high end wired headphones.

in ah range from 1-10, d best wireless headphones money can buy, wud probably be ah 5, and wired headphones will take d next 5 spots

As of right now, 2010, wireless headphones juss not what u say it is.
And it wil be 50 years, before it is.

Wireless headphoens was big back in d day when dey now came out, but consumers and retailer quickly realised, spend more money behind wired.

D most ill go is wireless for mobile use, but even mobiel, i running ah hifi/mobile amp lol.


Its like trying to compare a wireless network to wired, if performance is what you looking for, no matter how mcuh money u spend, a wireless network wil only tansfer data  at ah certain speed, becuase d technology is just not at d point right now to take it further. Same holds ture for wireless headphoens vs wired.

I've owned wireless headphones before, and seen the horros dey entail, buyers be ware.

Not stepping on your toes but your not exactly correct eh.
Maybe no one has yet put the existing wireless technologies into a headphone, but to say that the technology does not exist to transmit data at super high speed is wrong.
Wireless does not just mean blue tooth or Radio.

Same thing in data networks, look at simple 802.11n, currently at higher throughput than 10/100 ether networks.
and thats consumer grade wireless, not even satelite level bandwidth.

THen there is power over wireless.. lol @ how much power can be transmitted over wireless, from space to earth taking into account loss due to resistance and em disturbance.
THey even sending power on digital pulses within an analog transmission from space to earth.

THe tech is there, not 50 years from now, steups hell , tesla was doing this shit more than 50 years ago. So the tech exist and thats what i mean by saying it can be done, but wired just beats it on price.

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2010, 12:23:19 PM »
yea the tech does exist... and wireless data transmission has come along way... even that PoW tech is there

but take everything into context... the tech isn't being applied to headsets on that level, its not even entering mainstream generally muchless for headsets...  and what messiah sayin is.. it wont be for quite some time... i think 50 years is to much but... its def not before vision 2020 :)


Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2010, 12:23:19 PM »

Offline MessiaaH

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2010, 12:26:24 PM »
bob, read all d parts i say, about no company spend d money required to put that tech into a wireless headphones, d tech does not exsist meaning, d wireless headphones products, do not exsist.

Also, i did say, wrirless woudl hit #5, meaning, it would beat 4 other wired setups aka wireless N vs 10/100 networks. That being said, who using 10/100 still :S my home network is all Gigabit lol, muchless fuh ppl officies, 10/100 is years upon years, upon years....UPON YEARS old, lolol. so obviously a recent wireless technology may be able to out perform it, but thats like comparing d first apple apitva, to ah 3000$TT system of 2009, lolol.

And yes i know all about satilites etc etc, and even at that level, wired networks will always outperform wired. And we dont need to take d argument to a multi-billion dollor level, to say wireless headphones has its uses,  lolol, and it will take at least 50 years, before wireless headphones reach d level u claim it could be. and 50 years is being generous. i doubt even by den, u seeing any wireless headphones capable of d performance a top of d line wireed headphoens of today is capable of.

Bottom line is, Dont buy ah wireless headphones, unless u want to listen to shit on yuh head, lolol, if u have no problem with d way shit sounds, for d gain of wireless convinence, den by all means. But if u want, PERFORMANCE, wireless is a definate NO!.

And im sure if any client calls u, and says to u, dey want a network performaning relly good, u are not in a milion years, recomend to dem, a Wireless N network lolol.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 12:28:56 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2010, 12:38:42 PM »
it depends on the clients situation
i would first reccommend wired
but if their request is a wireless network
or they need to transmit over vasts distances
then yes i would do wireless.
And again, how can you say a wired network would always outperform a wireless network??
That statement doesnt make sense.
IF you say, based on a cost per performance solution, wired would always be a better choice and even THEN that is not a given.
What are your performance parameters? If its purely throughput then how is a 1 gigabit wired network any different from a 1 gigabi wireless network?
If you take into account latency then you start to make a point
but again there are so many different types of wireless networks that you can always get a solution with low latency and high throughput.
and i know you gonna be proven wrong about 50 years for a mega hi fi wireless headset

and your scale of "shit" is subjective
your system might sound amazing
but to super sicko audiophiles
your 4k system sounds like shit to them

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #47 on: April 30, 2010, 12:55:59 PM »
When i say a wired network will always outperform a wireless, i mean at similar price points, any comparison i make, its based on cost/performance ratio. So take everything said as such.

Also, i said, if a client, say, dey want """"""A NETWORK PERFORMING REALLY WELL""""" ah office network, if you recomend wireless to them, yuh go loss yuh wok. if d client say, dey need d flexability of chaning locations, or dey dont want to run no wire, den wireless is obvious. But i specificaly say, if d client ask fuh performance, u are not going to recomend wireless. u are going to recomend ah Dlink, Netgear, Cisco, Linksys Gigabit switch.

If a client want 2 remote locations linked, for minimal traffic, den ah high end wireless network may be d way, but once u start talking bout performance, and high data bandwith needs, wired is d way. So once u talking performance, wired is d way, dats d I.T. industry today and there is no denying that. yuh not going to recomend ah multi-billion $ wireless network to get d perfomrance u want, u are going to recomedn a TSTT Point-Point fiber network, MetroE, or ah Flow Point-Point lan segment. yuh not going to watch d client and say, spend 2 million dollors, to go wireeless to do d same job :)

I know "shit" is subjective, but when i say shit, again, i am talking price/performance ratio compared to headphones.

A 100$ wireless headphones is going to sound like "Shit" compared to a 100$ wired. but if u dont mind hearing "shit" to get d convience of wired den by all means. but if u looking for d best audio quality yuh pocket can afford, Wired is d way. if u dont care bout quality, and u want wireless, den yes, wireless. Everything has its uses, but wireless headphones does not belong in d HiFi market as of today, 2010.

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2010, 01:00:37 PM »
We trying to get men to go HiFi with nice setups, proper music formats etc etc, if men interested in wireless, is bess dey Stick to MP3s and forget dis hifi thing all together :)

Offline Crixx_Creww

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2010, 01:08:46 PM »
i understand what you saying v networks, once you qualify your statement then cool.

But as for audio
Since audio is such a damn subjective field, there is wiggle room.
Some men ok with having ah 42 inch 720p screen an bawlin dey rocking Hi Def... and it irks me but some will be die hard on de price point on 42 inches of 720 p
where as i would rather take 28 inches of low latency 1080p
but they are both Hi Def screens no?

So say wireless is like 720p audio
it not like low def or standard def

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #50 on: April 30, 2010, 01:17:06 PM »
disagree again, i think wireless is below 720p audio.

D wireless headphones i owned, cost like 150$, and that thing was like ah pirate movie. So i recond a 300$ wireless headphones go bring it up to standard def. And wirleess headphoens suffer from terible latency issues, u betters not have no wireless networks in yuh house if using one and want it to work good. When i replaced said wireless headphones back with a smilarly priced wired, i never looked back.

If u are using wireless headphones, u will hear no difference at all, bewteen MP3s, and FLAC / WMA Lossless. It will be like trying to watch ah 1080p movie on yuh phone, is better u compress it to d resolution of d phone, it wil show just d same.

So again, if wireless is what u want, sure, dies fuh SD/MP3s.

If u want to get into HD Music, wired is d way. Ur example does not apply. Is better u did say, Ah 52" Plasma with horid Contras Ration / Color Gorments / Screen Quality, vs 32" Toshiba Regza HD TV.

If u comfortable watching shit for d convience of ah big screen, den by all means, if u looking fuh quality, then its ah nono

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2010, 01:20:08 PM »
This is a user review of one of d best wireless headphones i cud find:
Sennheiser RS 180
Posted by charlesmat from South Africa, Gauteng on 2010-04-05

Recommend Product: No
Pros: Comfortable, no wires!!
Cons: Latency issues

Altough this headphones are comfortable and the sound is good,I am having latency issues which is making this unuseable.


HiFi Formular:

Wireless Headphones = Pirate Movie Quality
300$+ Wireles Headphons  = SD
300$ Wired Headphones = 480p
300$ Wired Head + 300$ Amp = 720p
+200$ on Headphone&Amp = +25p

Derived from personal expereince with tons of headphone equpiment, and tons and tons of research.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 01:59:08 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #52 on: April 30, 2010, 02:53:36 PM »
from that review, the man was having latency issues
that says nothing for the audio quality on that particular unit, could be @ 720p with latency issues

Iam certain that a wireless hifi headset could deliver somewhere between 480p and 720p
But wired headsets are all expected to start at 1080p and go up

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #53 on: April 30, 2010, 03:13:47 PM »
no, a wired headset does not start at 1080p, yuh analagies are wrong boy. i am d man who has owned all dis equpiment, from wireless, to normal wired phones to hifi phones, i know what i talking bout.

Dat formular i provide, is acurate. and also represents the deminishing returns of HiFi gears.

U only hiting 720p once ampped. and u only reaching 1080p, on d better amps. Please do some research, please, you are makin statements with no weight behind it, u are saying what u THINK it is, i am talking based on what i know for a fact, what i expereince myself, and what tons of research show. Do some reading , (alot), den come back to make dem claims.

Wireless headphones could never be 720p, when a 300$ wired is not even 720p :s 300$ wired plus 300$ amp u now hit 720p

Ah 300$ headphone by it self is 480p

Watch my formular.

Again, these are some of d hifi wired headphones ive owned, go reserach dem:

Grado sr80, grado 325i, sennheiser hd650, denon d5000, denond7000.

All headphones throughout d range.
I've also owned the Headroom MicroAmp with home modules. and now my current amp setup.

I know what d difference between amped headphones and non-amped headphones sound like, u do not. I know d difference between how a wireless headphones sound, and a hifi headphones sound. You do not.

But buy dem and test dem yuhself and waste ur money and see for yuhself :)

BUt if u go and do some reserach, all hifi men will tell u d same thing i am telling u, because we all expereince d tech ourselfs, and since men in trinidad, dont have d luxary of walking in ah store and testin shit fuh deyself, dey have to go on the recomendation of others. which is what i did.

Please start reading before makin any more ridiculous statements about wifi is 720p, yuh never even hear ah amped headphones so how do u even know what 720p sounds like :S, is like somebody trying to judge ah 3d moive wihtout even seeing iwhat 3d looks like., is like ah man watching ah original DVD and saying, dats 720p content, and he never see ah 720p movie in his life to know d difference.

Resarch ppl, RESEARCH!
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 03:22:19 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2010, 03:46:19 PM »
no, a wired headset does not start at 1080p, yuh analagies are wrong boy. i am d man who has owned all dis equpiment, from wireless, to normal wired phones to hifi phones, i know what i talking bout.

Dat formular i provide, is acurate. and also represents the deminishing returns of HiFi gears.

U only hiting 720p once ampped. and u only reaching 1080p, on d better amps. Please do some research, please, you are makin statements with no weight behind it, u are saying what u THINK it is, i am talking based on what i know for a fact, what i expereince myself, and what tons of research show. Do some reading , (alot), den come back to make dem claims.

Wireless headphones could never be 720p, when a 300$ wired is not even 720p :s 300$ wired plus 300$ amp u now hit 720p

Ah 300$ headphone by it self is 480p

Watch my formular.

Again, these are some of d hifi wired headphones ive owned, go reserach dem:

Grado sr80, grado 325i, sennheiser hd650, denon d5000, denond7000.

All headphones throughout d range.
I've also owned the Headroom MicroAmp with home modules. and now my current amp setup.

I know what d difference between amped headphones and non-amped headphones sound like, u do not. I know d difference between how a wireless headphones sound, and a hifi headphones sound. You do not.

But buy dem and test dem yuhself and waste ur money and see for yuhself :)

BUt if u go and do some reserach, all hifi men will tell u d same thing i am telling u, because we all expereince d tech ourselfs, and since men in trinidad, dont have d luxary of walking in ah store and testin shit fuh deyself, dey have to go on the recomendation of others. which is what i did.

Please start reading before makin any more ridiculous statements about wifi is 720p, yuh never even hear ah amped headphones so how do u even know what 720p sounds like :S, is like somebody trying to judge ah 3d moive wihtout even seeing iwhat 3d looks like., is like ah man watching ah original DVD and saying, dats 720p content, and he never see ah 720p movie in his life to know d difference.

Resarch ppl, RESEARCH!

ill do some research and prove that you dont know everything there is to know about hifi setups

but your going under the wrong assumption that i have never used or heard hifi
ive never owned said pieces of equipment, because sound is secondary to sight for me
but i have experienced them :( really sorry you went and write all that under the assumption that i havent experienced any of these things

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2010, 04:22:54 PM »
so you listened to an amped headphones before? what headphone and what amp? exactly what u refering to as HiFi? And how long have u tested it for, how much hours, u get chance to see what it can really provide? etc etc.

And i never claim to know eveyrthing bout hifi setups, but i know, wireless headphones will never sound like wired, dies what i know :)

So again, ahve u heard an ampped headphones, and what make model etc.

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2010, 07:02:24 PM »
Introduction to DACs (Digital Audio Converter):

To achieve true 720p and beyond quality in headphone listening, 4 major components are required. 1) Headphones 2) Amp 3) DAC 4) Powersupply.

The purpose of an amp should be obvious at this point, it provides clean stable power to the headphones, this power is not required for just volume, more power = better controll of the speaker drivers which  = better sound even at lower volumes.

Once your headphone receives enough power, what becomes more important than an AMP is a DAC. Formula Example: 300$ AMP + 300$ DAC > 600$ AMP

A dac is used to convert digital information (MP3s, FLAC, WMA Lossless etc), to an analog signal which can be interpreted by the headphones and produces sound. DACs can be found on a PC's soundcard. Better more expensive soundcards has better quality becuase of better DACs used in the particular soundcard. in HiFi listening, External DACs are used, and very importnat. (think onboard sound vs xfi). The better quality dacs u have, the better the audio sounds period. So as long as your headphones meet a basic power requirement, the next best step is to increase DAC performance.

Both Amps and Dacs requires alot of power. My setup came with power bricks stock. but the use of an independant power supply was highly recommended, to properly feed the power hungry amp and dac.

That being said. A wireless headphones, needs to convert the digital wifi signals, to analog for the speaker drivers to produce the sound. The quality of dacs in an onboard pc soundcard, is in itself superior to the quality of dac you would find in a wireless headphone.

Take into consideration, the size of compoentns used in HiFi amps and dacs, and the power requirements needed to power both an amp and a dac. and try to pack dem all, into a wireless headphones, and you will easily see, it is just not posible in this day and age, for wireless headphoens to achieve HiFI, unless you plan to be wearing a headphones the size of cape cod, which defeats the whole purpose of a wireless setup.

If you are feeding your dac via an anolog source on your pc (3.5mm jack) you are defeating the whole purpose of what the dac provides, the dac needs to be fed by a true digital source (optical/usb).

And thus concludes another chapter of HiFi.

Links for futher explanations/reserach (crixx)

Do You Need a Headphone Amp?

How Do Wireless Headphones Work?

HeadRoom Amp/DAC/Etc Learning Center

Crixx im interested in your thoughts about wifi headphones after a good read of the various articles ive posted and your own research :)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 07:09:51 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2010, 04:12:19 PM »

OOoo, from what i read these are pretty decent and now they have ah sale
i wantzzz

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2010, 05:40:08 PM »
i dont know bout the headphones... but it is my personal opinion that ALL monster gear are overpriced.. cuz other brands perform just as well...

mostly you pay for the name

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Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #59 on: May 15, 2010, 09:01:55 AM »
i dont know bout the headphones... but it is my personal opinion that ALL monster gear are overpriced.. cuz other brands perform just as well...

mostly you pay for the name

That’s the same think I thought and opted for a cheap set of HDMI cables (about US$20 each compared to the Monster version for US$125 each) to hock up my gear and a no brand power center for protection, all the HDMI cable failed and the power center blew up after a few months as the equipment draws to much high current. I switched back to my Monster HDMI cable and a Monster EPIR-2450 and that was that.

The monster stuff may be overpriced but you do get what you pay for, unless you Name MessiaaH and got a pair of faulty monster cables from Amazon :happy0203:


Re: MessiaaH's Audio Gear!
« Reply #59 on: May 15, 2010, 09:01:55 AM »


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