crixx i do not agree.Wireless technology is not yet at the point to acomplish what you claim it can acomplish. Its just that simple, and d wireless headphones tech you talking about, juss doesnt exist, becuase no company put d funding behind reseraching something like dat, when dey can spend half and develop high end wired ah range from 1-10, d best wireless headphones money can buy, wud probably be ah 5, and wired headphones will take d next 5 spotsAs of right now, 2010, wireless headphones juss not what u say it is.And it wil be 50 years, before it is.Wireless headphoens was big back in d day when dey now came out, but consumers and retailer quickly realised, spend more money behind wired.D most ill go is wireless for mobile use, but even mobiel, i running ah hifi/mobile amp lol.Edit:Its like trying to compare a wireless network to wired, if performance is what you looking for, no matter how mcuh money u spend, a wireless network wil only tansfer data at ah certain speed, becuase d technology is just not at d point right now to take it further. Same holds ture for wireless headphoens vs wired.I've owned wireless headphones before, and seen the horros dey entail, buyers be ware.
no, a wired headset does not start at 1080p, yuh analagies are wrong boy. i am d man who has owned all dis equpiment, from wireless, to normal wired phones to hifi phones, i know what i talking bout.Dat formular i provide, is acurate. and also represents the deminishing returns of HiFi gears.U only hiting 720p once ampped. and u only reaching 1080p, on d better amps. Please do some research, please, you are makin statements with no weight behind it, u are saying what u THINK it is, i am talking based on what i know for a fact, what i expereince myself, and what tons of research show. Do some reading , (alot), den come back to make dem claims.Wireless headphones could never be 720p, when a 300$ wired is not even 720p :s 300$ wired plus 300$ amp u now hit 720pAh 300$ headphone by it self is 480pWatch my formular.Again, these are some of d hifi wired headphones ive owned, go reserach dem:Grado sr80, grado 325i, sennheiser hd650, denon d5000, denond7000.All headphones throughout d range.I've also owned the Headroom MicroAmp with home modules. and now my current amp setup.I know what d difference between amped headphones and non-amped headphones sound like, u do not. I know d difference between how a wireless headphones sound, and a hifi headphones sound. You do not.But buy dem and test dem yuhself and waste ur money and see for yuhself BUt if u go and do some reserach, all hifi men will tell u d same thing i am telling u, because we all expereince d tech ourselfs, and since men in trinidad, dont have d luxary of walking in ah store and testin shit fuh deyself, dey have to go on the recomendation of others. which is what i did.www.head-fi.orgPlease start reading before makin any more ridiculous statements about wifi is 720p, yuh never even hear ah amped headphones so how do u even know what 720p sounds like :S, is like somebody trying to judge ah 3d moive wihtout even seeing iwhat 3d looks like., is like ah man watching ah original DVD and saying, dats 720p content, and he never see ah 720p movie in his life to know d difference.Resarch ppl, RESEARCH!
i dont know bout the headphones... but it is my personal opinion that ALL monster gear are overpriced.. cuz other brands perform just as well...mostly you pay for the name