As gamers, we have come across a kaleidoscope of digital persona's. From mad dictators hell bent on world domination to mushroom eating plumbers.
Toying with a concept for the look of the website. A bit of an expanded version of Good Vs Evil
Help by posting game characters that represent the Fours Ps.
Power, Purpose, Peace and Play
Power (World/universe domination and to earn the respect of all)
Space Marine Force Commander
Purpose (Deep, philosophical reason for waging war, killed their parents, slaughtered their wife, that kind of thing)
Peace (Bringing peace to the world)
Play (It will get done if its fun and there's adventure to be had)
Lara Croft
Duke Nukem
As a side note, struggling with where Ryu would fall into these categories.
He isn't really power hungry or driven after money or respect.
Not a playful or adventurous character
Nor does he come across as trying to bring peace and harmony to the world.
Thinking it would be Purpose...but what is his purpose? To fight?
Same for the Master Chief, he is so faceless in the games. The books make him sound more power hungry and competitive though, and though not the smartest, fastest or strongest spartan, he made the best leader. Hard to place.
Anyways, post your fav characters and note which P you think best represents them. That will help in setting up a new theme for the site.