Anyone have any info if the there is a difference between TDM and SDM game types, does TDM mean their will be larger squads for the TDM game type. lol'ed when this happened,some fans are just ungrateful
Quote from: Notnice on October 02, 2011, 02:52:37 PM lol'ed when this happened,some fans are just ungrateful It GOOD!!!*** WARNING, SERIOUSLY VENOMOUS RANT AHEAD!!! ***Gamers nowadays too f@#kin UNGRATEFUL.The bloody devs should charge allyuh for the damn betas and demos.THEN you could rant, moan and bitch all you want about EVERYTHING.If you know how I avoid them forums like an Arima bad-ting.The hate, bitching, moaning actually makes you want you slit your own wrists sometimes....and these are the the same people you have to play with/against online eh...I am all for abolishing public betas altogether. Betas should ONLY be for pre-orders,and I mean the 'take your money one time' pre-order too, so no backing out when you getinto the beta. When men know that they actually HAVE to put out to get in, how much you want to bet only the people really interested in actual BETA TESTING will pre-order.JESUS H F@#KIN CHRIST.. You don't like what you've been given, just GET THE F@#K OUT!!!...and leave those of us who actually interested to play it in peace.F@#kin ridiculous.
@ wyatt PS3 chat and Xbox works the sameXBOX has a party chat but if u cant get more than 4 in the game it still makes no sense as ull be talkin to 4 in game and 4 ppl who not even in the match and still teaming with 8 randoms who wont hear u anyway since ur on party chat. The party system and comms go hand in defending a crappy party system4 person squads work fine but let us get together 12 ppl and join as a grp and we organise the squads ourselves ingame or outside the thread, dont be lazy.
I knew this beta was to test the servers out take a read