GameServers released their server pricing, 64 players $83.15/mo. That's not bad at all...
When you hide behind a wall in COD you get a nuke.. When you hide behind a wall in Battlefield, that wall gets shoved up your ass.. - TheBostonRedSock22
Found this on the UK forums, another provider with reasonable pricing.
Now THAT's what I call a night stage.
lawd ppl some order here we posting the same thing twice.. Gurus help please!!!
Quote from: EmperorXavier on September 09, 2011, 07:18:11 PMlawd ppl some order here we posting the same thing twice.. Gurus help please!!!Not everyone prowls this thread everyday like you Emperor =pPlus i didn't see it till that duplicated post so!
As for the PC elitist that gonna hate (naturally) just keep in mind that without the console sales yal ain't gonna see a sequel, so to put it BLUNTLY you NEED the console don't EVEN fool yourself. But if this is what we can expect, then EA better bend over and prepare the KY cause the console gamers ain't gonna sit down for that ish.
LOL @ Notnice depictions, but seriously though, from a business standpoint, EA is doing rubbish if they are catering to just the PC "Elite". When sales of Battlefield 3 pale in comparison to games like MW3, who suffers in the end? ALL Gamers. Why? Because the cost of making the game vs. the profits from the game will be severely skewed and DICE will have to lay-off some people just to make the next BF game...Beautiful graphics is not everything, the gaming experience on a whole is...but when devs and publishers start to focus on the minority of their market share, that's just dumb business.How many Pre-orders does EA have for BF3? compared to MW3? How many people have been fired at EA compared to Activision, basic economics will tell you that the Hype of BF3, is just that, "Hype". In the long run, whoever makes the most money, has the resources to devote to making MORE games. How is Activision able to bring out a Call of Duty every year? Simple...its catering to all platforms, Consoles being the largest sales generator. But yea, as EA continues to burn the console bridges and focus on the few PC "Elite" then we'll see what happens with the BF franchise...IMO