Author Topic: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly  (Read 3204 times)

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China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« on: July 31, 2009, 12:21:06 AM »
Plenty abortions over there.,8599,1913626,00.html?iid=digg_share

(BEIJING) — China performs about 13 million abortions every year, mostly for single young women who experts say know little about contraception, state media said Thursday in a rare disclosure of sensitive family planning statistics.

The China Daily newspaper said the real number of abortions is believed to be even higher since the 13 million accounts for procedures in hospitals but many more are known to be carried out in unregistered rural clinics. Also, about 10 million abortion pills are sold every year in China, the paper said. (Read "China's One-Child Policy")

It quoted Wu Shangchun, a government official with the National Population and Family Planning Commission, as saying that nearly half of the women seeking abortions in China had used no form of contraception.

China imposed strict birth controls in the 1970s, limiting most couples to just one child. Sterilization and the use of intrauterine devices, or IUDs, for women are widely promoted — and subsidized — forms of contraception for married women. However, the policy tends to overlook the contraception needs of unmarried women even as attitudes toward casual sex have dramatically liberalized. (See TIME's China covers.)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 12:23:03 AM by woodyear99 »


China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« on: July 31, 2009, 12:21:06 AM »

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2009, 02:05:38 AM »
Hmmm what was that about islam and their disregard for human life... right....

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2009, 05:15:59 AM »
Hmm... unlike a fair amount of practices that are done in the name of Islamic religious doctrine/sharia law, China's One Child Policy, imo, is a bit of a necessary evil.

China has a pretty significant population; it could easily have come close to being doubled if that policy wasn't implemented. Think what the implications would have been on a developing nation such as theirs, with regards to their resources.

At the stage it had reached by the late 70s, they were going to have some form of genocide to do population control - do they do it on the living or those yet to live?

It's a painful sacrifice...but sometimes it has to be done for the greater good. Even so, the greater good can easily be twisted to another's agenda.

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2009, 09:13:52 AM »
Hmmm what was that about islam and their disregard for human life... right....

So iam guessing your a pro lifer who believes abortion is murder?
Thus seeing this as a human rights violation some how?

Versus stoning women to death and raping them before executing them and delivering strokes to an elderly woman for having a man not her husband or relative deliver groceries to her home? Steups

China in my opinion, is equal opportunity with their government sanctioned Human rights violations.

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2009, 09:32:19 AM »
No, I do not advocate abuse of women and/or children in ANY form.  I am merely sick of the way many articles paint ALL of islam as evil and meniacle when there are other attrocious acts to detail. Look at it this way, the 'western' world paints ANYTHING and EVERYTHING it does not agreee with as evil. It painted communism as this 'great evil' when in fact it is NOT, it paints the middle east as this area of the world in deparate NEED of THEIR salvation (which is just an excuse to occupy and BLEED them of their OIL and resources).

It was either here or somewhere else I read that in old ?USSR? (bosnia area can't rem specifically) 100s of 1000s of women are RAPED each year (or at least were till VERY recently). All of these are HORRIBLE, DESPICABLE acts that DEMAND justice. However the 'western' media would have you believe that ISLAM is the problem, not PPL, Communism is the problem, NOT PPL, societies that go against western teachings are the problem again NOT PPL.

China has a policy of one child, PPL take it upon themselves to have abortions, etc. I know there are instances where in the GRAND scheme of things it's PERHAPS (stress on that word) better for the child to not enter the world in the conditions it will have to meet, HOWEVER that is a FAILURE of PPL (in dare i say MOST CASES). I am almost sure of those 13 million abortions, MOST ARE NOT pregnancies DUE TO illicit acts against women. Thus if you DON'T want to have a child DON'T FCUK AROUND, it's THAT simple. Abstinance is the BEST way to prevent prenancy. But ppl in their wanton LUSTS and desires overlook REASON and LAW and then choose to end a life because you're too $^%&ing SELFISH to RESTRAIN yourself, %^&* you (not you crixx, it's an exclamation).

In situations where rape, abuse etc are involved an abortion MAY be something to consider and that is the CHOICE of the woman. I STILL don't AGREE with it, since I don't see why an UNBORN child has to pay for SOMEONE else's act against you, but then there are even more extenuating circumstances that can occur as is the case in many of those african countries where women are raped, the men murdered, they contract HIV and other STDs, the women have NO way to support themselves FAR less a child. Under those conditions it's alot harder to just point and say it's WRONG to abort because the quality of life of that child and mother are tremendously disadvantaged.

I AM PRO life, that is my choice. I think in some situations the woman could and maybe should make the call. But in MANY cases it's just self^&kingishness.


Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2009, 09:32:19 AM »

Offline Crixx_Creww

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2009, 10:09:25 AM »
Hmm True @ other sources of evil in the world not highlighted enough by western media.
The "evilization" TM  of systems other than "western" (lol @ that whole arguament since we live in a spherical planet with no true east or west but whatever) systems is in itself an act of evil.

And yes islam is being painted in a very hard light by the media...hmmm and everyone seems to be falling for the american mind game... but at the same time... an injustice anywhere.. is an injustice everywhere..

Should we not care about these women, regardless of the fact that in so doing we are allowing ourselves to be used as pawns in americas game of greed? (notice my constant use of lower case, its intentional, screw you firefox for trying to correct my "misspelling")

Or should we be dispassionate and take a step back and asses which is the lesser of the two evils so to speak.

Or thirdly, admit that at this point its all evil regardless of comparative magnitude.. and just wish and hope and pray and work towards global peace and goodwill to all man.

As for yours and other like minded individuals view on abortion.
I hear you, and i feel you and understand you.
My views are from the standpoint of listening to women and knowing what they have been through since the start of the human experience and deciding to leave the decision of whether it is right or wrong, to the women themselves and secondly from knowing the science behind pre 3rd trimester, its not a human life, its a dividing mass of cells.
People dont throw hissy fits every time someone cuts their hair or pierces something, killing cells... *sigh*

Whenever i think of the pro life pro choice arguament as a man, i am reminded of the penn an teller episode about bio engineered and bio tech created foods.
Where green peace, who i used to respect utterly and now just have to *sigh* at yet another good intention gone awry  (socialism,communism,doubles,democracy,net neutrality, championship football), has been speaking out very very critically of these foods and even campaigning to make impoverished nations across the world, to turn down donations of bio engineered foods and crops to feed their starving people, because they believe it is unsafe, with no proof or real basis for their arguaments.

At the end of the episode, Penn said, If you and your own are not starving and dont know what its like to never know where your next meal is going to come from, then , you need to STFU!

« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 10:12:21 AM by Crixx_Creww »

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2009, 10:39:26 AM »
Hmmm what was that about islam and their disregard for human life... right....

So, basically, you're making comparison between something individualistic versus something ideologically sanctioned and enforced under physical duress?

No, I do not advocate abuse of women and/or children in ANY form.  I am merely sick of the way many articles paint ALL of islam as evil and meniacle when there are other attrocious acts to detail. Look at it this way, the 'western' world paints ANYTHING and EVERYTHING it does not agreee with as evil. It painted communism as this 'great evil' when in fact it is NOT, it paints the middle east as this area of the world in deparate NEED of THEIR salvation (which is just an excuse to occupy and BLEED them of their OIL and resources).

DIFFERENT RIVAL IDEOLOGIES PAINT EACH OTHER AS EVIL? ALERT THE F**KING PRESSES FOLKS! The western world? Come the f**k on man. Every civilization in the history of mankind has been doing this bulls**t. You think Al Jazeera doesn't do the very same about Israel, Russia or the USA? In fact, forget that all s**t; you said something I found even more startling. I would LOVE to see you defend the implementations of communism while the western would was painting it as 'evil'. It is as if people are have the propensity to behavior that can be regarded as socially pathological and certain institutionalized ideologies facilitate that more than others in different ways? Perish the thought! Was it bullshit? Of course it's bullshit. What else is new in the realm of global politics? There are no good guys. Just vested interests.

It was either here or somewhere else I read that in old ?USSR? (bosnia area can't rem specifically) 100s of 1000s of women are RAPED each year (or at least were till VERY recently). All of these are HORRIBLE, DESPICABLE acts that DEMAND justice. However the 'western' media would have you believe that ISLAM is the problem, not PPL, Communism is the problem, NOT PPL, societies that go against western teachings are the problem again NOT PPL.

Again. What. Is. New? I'll say it again. Different ideologies, and cultural standards allow for socially pathological and uncivilized behavior in greater means. To even begin to blame "western media" is to miss the entire f**king point to begin with. The problem isn't western media. The problem is "people" as you've been saying all along, yet still, you don't seem to be able to contextualize that when it comes to "the west" and your established conceptions of western evil. YOUR perception of the evils of western imperialism is that western media would have you believe that ISLAM is -the- problem rather than -a- problem that is currently in direct conflict with their established way of life. F**k that. But even worse than that, is that you've generalized western media into the spawn Rupert Murdoch's massive conservative far right hype-machine and what -you've- been exposed to and letting your bias run wild.

My question is "Why?"  

...and I'm not even beginning to bother with the abortion issue...not touching it.
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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2009, 11:10:47 AM »

...and I'm not even beginning to bother with the abortion issue...not touching it.
coward :P

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2009, 05:53:01 PM »
You're missing my point, the proportion of ill regarded news towards islam, islamic countries, islamic ppl is definitively skewed in the western world. And to even think that the 'western' world is bordered by the imaginary line we know from geography is ridiculous. The influence that the US and its allies have and their style of spreading misunderstanding may not be new (I never said it was), the fact that attrocious acts occur all over the world regardless of its seemingly otherwise questionable chain of logic and NOT as highly reported as 'islamic terrorist acts wasn't disputed, nor did I even say that politics and its associated sycophantic mannerisms were honourable. I am just sick and tired of hearing only about how islamic beliefs are the cause of another innocent women, child, hermaphrodite being dragged through the streed by the pubic hairs and tortured at the $%^&ing stake.

You are wondering how I connect china's rather ridiculous statistics and acts of gendercide to the religious killings of females in the middle east. If you haven't realized yet, I DON'T.I raise it as a similarly attrocious act that seems to ESCAPE the mainstream media because its not a 'problem' of the west. Because at the heart here is my tire of hearing about terrorist cells and islamic extremist when the fact is there are alot of other extremist as well. As for what news and media I am seemingly bombarded with that leads me to what you consider a left wing overexposed horse with blinkers, honestly I don't read the papers all that often, I don't watch the news nearly as much as I used to and I don't google terrorists acts. It just so happens that I open my friendly neighbourhood GATT website and see it, I peruse the bbc or cnn or any other informational site and MOST highlight, MOST outstanding and MOST eye catching is ALWAYS Islamic extremists or acts of islamic beliefs that are crimes against humanity. That and maybe I just like to read your ish when you get ticked off XD

Offline Synchronomyst

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Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2009, 09:08:14 PM »
You're missing my point, the proportion of ill regarded news towards islam, islamic countries, islamic ppl is definitively skewed in the western world.

You say this based on what? What is your definition of skewed? Proportional to what specifically? What information do you base this on rather than your own perception that you've not seen fit to supplement (which I don't blame you for not doing because that'll take up a lot of your time)? What causes you to draw this hypothesis? In the other topic I gave you articles and information showing you why I vehemently disagree with the position you've taken and why I believe it is not a sound one to hold or to propagate and all I've been doing is trying to get you with every response to re-evaluate this conclusive stance you've taken because it is not so black and white as you're stating it and holding it detracts from the bigger issues at hand. You say that it is definitively skewed. I say that the PROPORTION is accurate and that the BIAS comes from news outlets.

And to even think that the 'western' world is bordered by the imaginary line we know from geography is ridiculous.

I don't think anyone intelligent thinks that. The western world is pretty much equal to anywhere where capitalism and seccular representative government takes places, which makes it just another politically pejorative spawned out of the cold war because the western world could actually include Russia now.

The influence that the US and its allies have and their style of spreading misunderstanding may not be new (I never said it was), the fact that attrocious acts occur all over the world regardless of its seemingly otherwise questionable chain of logic and NOT as highly reported as 'islamic terrorist acts wasn't disputed
nor did I even say that politics and its associated sycophantic mannerisms were honourable. I am just sick and tired of hearing only about how islamic beliefs are the cause of another innocent women, child, hermaphrodite being dragged through the streed by the pubic hairs and tortured at the $%^&ing stake.

You attribute this to the "US and allies" and I'm saying that that is a gross and misinformed generalization that should be beneath you and your understanding of things. This is why I am -most- irritated at this bulls**t. You cannot treat this as a matter of one unified US or western ideology because it that simply does not exist. You may have a unified/synchronized right wing media machine by way of Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp controlling many sources of print and electronic media but you do NOT have, especially in this day and age, a unified western ideology.

I would like to note however, that the fact that you -think- that there is, is a crushing testament to -how- powerful, how snide and how cunning them and their ilk are, and unfortunately, how sucessful they've become. To put it quite simply, these are the people who own Fox News. If you know anything about Fox News at all you would know that their slogan, fair and balanced, is bulls**t and they eschew that for republican sensationalism. Aside from it being a clear matter of your own personal tolerance level against what you perceive as bias.

..and once again, you hear about this more often because it is institutionalized and overwhelmingly lacks recourse for the victims. I've said this almost every single post. This is is why it is unique and this is why, no matter what, whether it be an issue of misrepresented frequency or not, it draws attention. Because, among any other single instance you can draw, the issue of conservative islam's and honor killings (edit: and honor killings anywhere for that matter, although statistics indicate the frequency of honor killings to occur in the middle east) is especially unique because it is an definite affront to the sensibilities of people in the modern world and their concepts of religion, fairness, gender equality and justice.

You are wondering how I connect china's rather ridiculous statistics and acts of gendercide to the religious killings of females in the middle east. If you haven't realized yet, I DON'T.I raise it as a similarly attrocious act that seems to ESCAPE the mainstream media because its not a 'problem' of the west.

Atrocity? meet context. Context? Meet atrocity. It is similarly atrocious according to your more...umm...stringent perception of moral sense reasoning, but clearly, without getting into the debate about the clear relativistic view people take to human life, to many other people it is not similar. Also, it did not and has not escaped the mainstream media. It was all over mainstream media for decades. This is media's current go to issue because it is contextually relevant to the current zeitgeist. You're very right about gendercide. It is -not- the "west's" current problem. 13 million aborted fetuses in china due mainly in part to a population control issue that would lead to the starvation and in turn economic collapse of China could never be a 'problem' because not only has China has not called for an ideological war on the western world, but the western economy is quite dependent on China as well. Especially in these times.

Because at the heart here is my tire of hearing about terrorist cells and islamic extremist when the fact is there are alot of other extremist as well.

There are many other extremist groups but can you in any way provide information showing that they are as active in frequency or in scale as islamic extremists? As far as I can see all you'd be left with is the 2008 mumbai attacks, which is more nationalist in nature despite the faith of those involved.

As for what news and media I am seemingly bombarded with that leads me to what you consider a left wing overexposed horse with blinkers, honestly I don't read the papers all that often, I don't watch the news nearly as much as I used to and I don't google terrorists acts. It just so happens that I open my friendly neighbourhood GATT website and see it, I peruse the bbc or cnn or any other informational site and MOST highlight, MOST outstanding and MOST eye catching is ALWAYS Islamic extremists or acts of islamic beliefs that are crimes against humanity.

See: Above.

It's the most eyecatching for you. They certainly don't catch mine that often.

That and maybe I just like to read your ish when you get ticked off XD

Well damn it if this post won't bring you joy.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 09:17:14 PM by Synchronomyst »
What can you do to end the hunger?
It's no surprise that many will die with the coming shortage of food
When there is no grain to feed the butchered cows
When there is nothing to feed yourselves...
Then you will see that money can't be eaten.

-The Locust


Re: China Performs 13 Million Abortions Yearly
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2009, 09:08:14 PM »


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