Ok i didnt realise anyone replied i wasn't emailed anyways thanks for all the replies i tried pretty much everything and there's no option in the bios.... i had a chat with dell tech support and well the guy tried to tell me its a software thing... he probably doesn't know or just didn't want to tell me i guess :S but apparently it is the hybrid crossfire (talked to a guy in the US who had one and he confirmed it) ....
Thing is it has a ati X1something integrated card plus the 4570 HD i just downloaded the new catalyst drivers to my desktop and when i transfer ill update on how it goes.
There is no way in the CCC to switch off the hypermemory or to control the amount of RAM it uses but with this new info i think ill just leave it as is, its really not slowing down performance cause this studio still runs like a champ i guess ill just add in more ram later i dunno if this new one supports it but the old one went up to 8 gigs
and well it auto switches for gaming tested with nfs undercover i have to get a copy of Crysis to test [i deleted mine
]though but ive seen some vids on youtube it runs pretty well on medium settings
Anyways thanks again for the replies + interest guys its much appreciated