Author Topic: Crysis 2  (Read 98386 times)

Offline TriniXaeno

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #340 on: April 02, 2011, 08:28:56 AM »
hhahaha, totally agree with awesome. That was awesome.

Maximum Dance. lol



Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #340 on: April 02, 2011, 08:28:56 AM »

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #341 on: April 02, 2011, 07:38:15 PM »
is anyone else seeing White Beach balls falling from the sky when they load the level Dead Man Walking? Cause i am not seeing my hud, weapon, enemies NOTHING.

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #342 on: April 03, 2011, 09:05:50 PM »
Half the time, my multiplayer rank/unlocks/etc won't save. I'll have to do things over and over, re-unlock attachments/etc whenever I take a break from multiplayer and go back in. This game has a LOT of issues in it, and a good few in single player too. They could have done far better.

Wyatt, I'll say it feels like a console port because of the game mechanics itself. I did NOT play Crysis 1, but I did play Crysis Warhead, and compared to Crysis 2, Warhead was superior in tactics and control scheme. Sure 2 had the climbing objects and all that, and it feels more like you're actually able to use your environment, but Warhead (and 1) had better use of the suit. For example, Strength mode would be used not only to jump and throw items higher/farther, but it reduced recoil in your guns, and reduced sway for sniping. Then you could SPRINT WITHOUT SUIT ENERGY. If you get shot in cloak in C2, you have to walk to cover. In Warhead at least you could run away and hide. Also, if you sprinted at someone you'd knock them down, in C2 I haven't seen that ability (but I could be wrong). It just feels like in bringing the game to the consoles, they dumbed down the interface to the point of losing advanced tactics that existed in the previous games. It doesn't feel right.

Might just be my bias though, I'm the king of hating on Consolitis.

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #343 on: April 03, 2011, 09:34:43 PM »
no you're absolutely right, it has been made more "accessible"

I think that's the most politically polite way of putting it without offending our console brethren. lol

That is an industry trend and not unique to Crysis 2 in any way. A lot of times games perform like crap on a PC aside from being made "more accessible" in terms of gameplay mechanics. BlackOps being the most recent example. Its as though they did zero QA on the PC experience. Stutters and hiccups galore on computers more powerful than the console from whence it came.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case with Crysis 2 (with the notable exception Arcman raised over the Multi GPU setup woes)

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #344 on: April 03, 2011, 10:10:34 PM »
no you're absolutely right, it has been made more "accessible"

I think that's the most politically polite way of putting it without offending our console brethren. lol

That is an industry trend and not unique to Crysis 2 in any way. A lot of times games perform like crap on a PC aside from being made "more accessible" in terms of gameplay mechanics. BlackOps being the most recent example. Its as though they did zero QA on the PC experience. Stutters and hiccups galore on computers more powerful than the console from whence it came.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case with Crysis 2 (with the notable exception Arcman raised over the Multi GPU setup woes)

The ONLY reason Crysis 2 didn't have those graphical issues is because they took the Crysis 1 textures, and halved the game's texture resolution. Crysis 1 actually looks better. Crysis 2 just has extra bells and whistles.

Also, they admitted to not testing anything for Black Ops. When they released the DLC that they expect people to pay for, they accidentally copied over the code making the sniper sway heavily upon zoom in like on the consoles and included it in the patch. They confirmed it was a mistake. They don't care about the PC, and as such they ain't getting my money again >_>

If Battlefield 3, Brink and anything consecutive made by Valve fails us, I'll give up PC gaming and go to the consoles, spend three weeks learning FPS on the controller, and promptly make everybody in every game think I'm hacking.


Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #344 on: April 03, 2011, 10:10:34 PM »

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #345 on: April 04, 2011, 12:07:26 AM »
more importantly, crysis 2 on the PC looks fantastic and much better than crysis 2 on the consoles. Hats off to Crytek for that.

I'm about to finish the campaign and it hasn't crashed or done anything to piss me off since (fingers and toes crossed)

Then comes the real test....multiplayer.

lol @ blackops snafu. We should be accustom yes. Bad treatment iwmc.

If you're going console, no need to learn the controller. Look up "xim". Keyboard and mouse adapter idmc.

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #346 on: April 04, 2011, 12:50:06 AM »
If I could put a keyboard/mouse on a PS3 and run BO... Sony go ban me from PSN for hax. By the time I connect them, they console go be like:
"Rape level over 9000. Disconnecting from PSN. Please contact whiny 10 year old child for assistance in lowering rape level to under 9000."

Also, I find it funny that Crysis 2 only has "high, very high and extreme" settings on the PC... Like the Xbox get low and the PS3 get medium, and the PC start from high XD

By the way, Crysis 2 still sucky in graphics, all they did is take the textures from Crysis 1 and halve the resolution. Someone even did a comparison; CryEngine 3 only has the game mechanics different, with maybe some lighting/etc improvements. CryEngine 2 is the most optimized they have lol. Still commendable that the PC looks best though, that IS very rare these days.

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #347 on: April 04, 2011, 12:57:24 AM »
You 'can' play with a keyboard and mouse on PS3 eh.  Jut look up the 'Eagle Eye'.
I have one, and it works splendidly.  As far as the PS3 is concerned, it's just another controller.

Let me now reproduce a post from the MyCrysis forums that basically sums up everything bad/wrong with this game (the PC version).

I know it's long, but it's really worth the read.

Why I won't be buying or pirating Crysis 2. Constructive.   04 03, 2011 /06:44

That is, constructive explanation and criticism over why I am disappointed with Crytek for their product, Crysis 2.

First of all, jeez, I must of played through Crysis 20 times. Maybe not played through in a linear fashion, but I've definitely loaded all the levels multiple times (the earlier levels more frequently) because in Crysis 1, it doesn't really feel like the level has a start and an end. It's so different each time, that you could give me one level and I would happily play it over and over, and I would be hard-pressed to say "I did the same thing twice" and I'm not talking about little things like picking up a barrel or whatnot, I mean, the way you progress through the level.

I play on Contact and Recovery a lot, and in those levels in particular there are many, MANY ways to play any way you want. There's so many angles of approach (road, jungle, high ground, sea, beach) and each have different obstacles and guards to tackle. In addition, there are several different play styles, predator, stealth, all out soldier.. and just mucking around (throwing barrels at soldiers to kill them, etc)

This kind of gameplay is just amazing. It's such pure fun, and I know a lot of criticism goes on Crysis for having bad gameplay but these people have no idea how to have their own fun in FPS these days, they're too used to being shoehorned through tight corridors and this criticism comes 95% from console fanboys who have never played the game in the first place.

Anyway, when Crysis 2 was announced to be multiplatform, I was instantly skeptical. It sounds very elitist, but the fact is unless you develop for PC first, and release on PC first, then make whatever changes are necessary to bring it to consoles, then the PC experience is going to be hampered in some ways by the massive limitations of the console hardware, control method and target audience.

I feel that these three areas have successfully destroyed what made Crysis such a fun and relatively unique FPS (Yeah, jungle FPS has been done before, but never in this way, never with this much freedom)

For starters, lets look at the story.

Spoilers for Crysis 1.

You end the game with a bang, Prophet is going back to the island to suck it to the Aliens, you (Nomad) and Psycho and Helena chase him, the game ends.

Crysis 2, you're in New York, you're a normal soldier, Prophet gives you his suit then buggers off, there's no mention of anything at all from Crysis 1 or Warhead, what in the hell? I want to continue the story, I know C1's story wasn't amazing, but it was suitable to pace the action, give progression to what you're doing and it was mildly interesting. Where did the aliens come from? What's with freezing everything?

So why couldn't Crysis 2 begin on the Island and then move on to NYC?

I have a theory, remember the CE3 tech demo on the Island? I'm sorry, but on PS3 and 360, it looks like absolute crap. Like a grab bag of low/med/high settings on PC, a LOT of stuff like view distance and object pop-in and textures have been compromised. Physics and water are toned down, no object motion blur, lower detail particles.

I don't want to give the consoles too much credit, but Crysis 2 looks pretty decent on consoles. The tech demo for the island, however, really does not.

So what happened? Well they didn't want such a dramatic difference in IQ, so they just cut the entire continuation of Crysis 1 from the drawing board and hacked together a solution to fit the consoles, but leave the PC in the dark.

The same thing has happened with the controls. In order to make it easier for console players with a controller, things need to be streamlined. In my opinion, there can be many different solutions to the whole "4 suit options is good, but combining them isn't possible" instead of merging them into two options. This isn't really a very good solution, it just gives a feel of "consolization" AKA, the act of making things simpler to fit the needs of a different audience.

Now, what developers need to realise, and as a consumer I'm in the right situation to say (unlike other complaints or topics when people with no clue blame developers for things they have no right blaming them for) that the PC and console audiences are completely different. The games that were on each system in the early 2000's were completely different. Consoles had JRPG's, platformers, racers, arcade style games, the PC had shooters, simulators, RPG's, RTS's and more puzzle style games.

For some reason, I think the popularity of FPS like Halo and COD on console is partly to blame, developers or publishers, whoever, has been thinking it's a good idea to merge both audiences by creating a one-size-fits-all model of game development that they think is good for all. But as developers know, when going multiplat you always need to design for the lowest denominator.

This is evidence by Cevat Yerli being quoted (I'm paraphrasing) as saying "If it didn't work on consoles, we cut it from the PC version"

Hang on one bloody second, Mr. Yerli. That is not acceptable. I don't want to sound like one of those high-horse twats but what was Far Cry on? PC. Crysis? PC. Who PAID for the games you and your team poured your creativity into? PC guys. Who made Far Cry for consoles? Another damn team, and they sacrificed what they could to bring a good experience to consoles, while PC had an uncompromised experience with Far Cry on PC.

So what's going on? Why are you essentially stabbing your loyal fanbase in the back? "Hey guys, thanks for buying Far Cry, thanks for buying Crysis, we made these games for PC to take advantage of your hardware that you paid for because it's your hobby, well, here's a new one for ya, forget the name of progress, you can all be thrown back 5-6 years to the days of the Xbox 360! Cheers, bye!"

Now, let's look at the actual gameplay itself. God, I remember being bombarded with the term "Vertical gameplay" by Nathan Camarillo. I'm sorry, but this sounds like pure unbridled PR damage control ****.

So basically, consoles can't handle large dynamic environments with good IQ settings (CE3 demo as proof of this) so it needs to be moved to a City. City's ARE big, but they aren't OPEN, but City's ARE TALL.

Now, who played 2D platformers? What's the most annoying thing you can think of in those games. Falling down from a height and having to go all the way back up. So you can excuse me if I think that stalking opponents in a dense, living jungle is more exciting that climbing up flight after flight of stairs, only to fall down a blown out hole in a building while bum-sliding. Then having to go allllll the way back up.

That reminds me, why remove lean and prone from the game? What else is missing? Do we still get tactical map? different grenades? Ammo selection? I mean, two suit options have already been streamlined, and now we get bumslides and parkour... G...great?

Well it kinda defeats the purpose.

Now let's look at the graphics themselves. I find it ironic that the best looking game of all time, and STILL the best looking game of all time (even vanilla) (also still VERY technically impressive in regards to scale and dynamic gameplay, there's no other game like it) has failed to be surpassed by it's successor.

No matter which way you spin it, Crysis 1 looks ever so slightly better than Crysis 2. Crysis 2 has better indoor environments, without a doubt, it was designed for it, but the outside... what? What happened? Why can't I shoot down trees? Why can't I pick lots of environment stuff up? WHY ARE THERE NO CHICKENS TO THROW AT EVIL KOREANS!?

It seems that everything, EVERYTHING has been butchered, limited, streamlined or hacked down in some way or another to fit onto console, I would not ever have a problem with it, if they gave us a proper sequel to Crysis on PC first, then a year later or 6 months down the line released on consoles. It's happening with "The Witcher 2" and as it stands, it's looking to take the title of best graphics in a TPS by a mile and a half. I'm sorry Crytek, but it looks utterly fantastic. That's a PC exclusive, and then it'll come on consoles, with whatever needs to be cut or reshaped to fit on console, cut and reshaped. The PC version maintains everything that MAKES it a PC version.

I mean, when a game ships with DX9 support, no plans for DX11 to take advantage of the graphics cards that were advertised by Nvidia as having DX11 support and exclusive features for Crysis 2.. That's just not right.

When a beta ships out with console code in, that's not right.

When the full game also ships with the same code in, that's not right.

When they take away mod support "to be released later" (DICE and Treyarch both made this promise, and failed to deliver last year, you can understand why I'm skeptical) that's not right.

When, for an entire year, the only media we see about the game is from the Xbox, that's not right.

When it is PC guys who have supported Crysis through Far Cry and Crysis / Warhead, then get the short end of the stick when Crytek focus their efforts on getting a good looking game to run on Dinosaur hardware, that is not right.
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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #348 on: April 04, 2011, 01:04:45 AM »
lol @ 9000

As for the graphics, sucky doesn't do justice to how amazing this game looks. That's pretty harsh since Crysis 2 is definitely the best looking title on my PC to date.

You must have extremely high standards (pun intended)

Arc, I think the "time machine" posts a little higher up more than explains why Crytek did what they had too. Neuter iwmc.

PC gamers had their chance to make Crysis a success in the sales department and put food on the developers table. They/we totally blew it... Sales were dismal. Now the developers are turning to the console gamers to "drink ah juice".

Seems they made the right move, if sales reports are true.

Our loss
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:10:09 AM by TriniWyatt »

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #349 on: April 04, 2011, 03:26:45 AM »
I was reading back some of the older posts, so I have this random collection of snippets to add:

I tell people solid. Either you use universal accounts like EA or Atari's to get on, or you use Steam or GFWL for DRM, and then you has un-crackable-for-online games. If a game release multiplayer and people want the multiplayer, regardless of if they crack the game for SP, they gonna buy a blasted key to play online, as long as they can't get it anywhere else. I doh wanna hear no more "pirates ruining everything" talk. If they used Steam for DRM, this wouldn't be happening. If they used GFWL, I'd have probably crack it, then buy a key somewhere for GFWL, like I did with GTA 4. If it was with EA, I'd probably have gotten an EADM key, like I did with Medal of Honor (which I STILL regret buying, btw). They'd still get their money and thus support. And if I'm just that broke, I pass it over altogether.

And for W1ntry who saying that a PC built in the last year is needed to bun games good, my LAPTOP (yes laptop) will be 2 years old in june, and I could still max out almost all the games I own. In fact, I'ma go see if it'll work if I put Crysis 2 on Extreme right now... *launches Crysis 2 and forgets to post this*
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:38:40 PM by D2ultima »

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #350 on: April 04, 2011, 10:01:54 AM »
Ultima, our organization neither condones nor promotes piracy regardless of the FACT that the game has degenerated into a lazy, retarded console port and that there is NO EXCUSE for putting out shoddy work like this.

Please refrain from openly discussing countermeasures used for online play. I trust that you will edit your post in a timely manner, else it will be done for you.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 10:06:06 AM by Captain Awesome »

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #351 on: April 04, 2011, 12:17:42 PM »
lol @ that thinly veiled jibe @ the "console port-iness"

but yeah, lets either support the industry by buying the game or simply abstain if you're not interested/impressed by it.

Great to see local gamers voting with their dollars either way. Was especially amazed at the number of people who bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Blackops.

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #352 on: April 04, 2011, 12:33:09 PM »
Sigh, I bought blops not once, but TWICE! If I could take it all back, I wouldn't have bought it at all.

Battlefield on the other hand is a stroke of genuis despite its teething issues and lack of mod tools. Let us hope that they get it right with BF3 and show all those lazy @ss devs *cough cyrtek treyarch cough* how there is money to be made on the pc IF YOU DO THE DAMN THING RIGHT!

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #353 on: April 04, 2011, 12:42:25 PM »
I am quite pleased with Crysis 2 online. Tbh I didn't have a rig capable of playing Crysis on the PC until recently and I have yet to reinstall Crysis and Warhead to 'see' all the glory. In short I don't know what i'm missing from the original set, but considering it's universally accepted that multi was NEVER their strong point, I am quite content with the console experience, built on XBL, can't go wrong. There are some hickups but nothing that has taken away from my experience thus far.

Ultima, whenever you turn to XBL Gold, hit we up, always interested in good players (in whatever FPS you play on console)

@ Capn... I too bought it not once but twice.. and YES I wish I could take it back. That being said, to be fair, it was purchased so as to show the PC men that a controller can hold its own. I think red and myself showed that well enough XD

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #354 on: April 04, 2011, 12:53:46 PM »
If I have learnt nothing else on this forum, its that every gamer has his/her own preferences and tastes when it comes to gaming (duhhh)

What one man might find appealing, the other dont. I blame battlefield. I have been accustomed to one style of fps all my life but bc2 has opened my eyes and dramatically evolved my tastes..

Well yea @ showdown between kb& mouse and cntrller peeps. Agreed yall got some skill. Men like wyatt was swinging on meh balls though, coullda bring a stronger showing to kelp kill the talk LOL.

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #355 on: April 04, 2011, 01:11:04 PM »
hey, hey, I have photographic evidence posted in the forums to back up those console/PC wars eh!

The way I remember it, console men got beat up on the PC....though after some time, they did put in some respectable numbers.

(I half way believe redlum threw away his xbox controller in disgust and hooked up a keyboard and mouse but too shame to admit it, lol)

On the Console side of the fence, awesome and I did decent figures as well. My score was pretty solid whenever jarrox was hosting (flow to flow). Struggled a little whenever a TSTT man was hosting.

And most importantly, w1ntry is a sneaky, ninja, no noise making, radar jamming mofo.

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #356 on: April 04, 2011, 01:15:15 PM »
Well yea @ showdown between kb& mouse and cntrller peeps. Agreed yall got some skill. Men like wyatt was swinging on meh balls though, coullda bring a stronger showing to kelp kill the talk LOL.
LMAO... I think that's fair

And most importantly, w1ntry is a sneaky, ninja, no noise making, radar jamming mofo.
Don't hate the player, hate the game XD

We still have it, so whenever you ready for a rematch we dey!

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #357 on: April 04, 2011, 02:55:36 PM »
Now, I buy games when I can, around late 2009 I finally got fed up of just trying to tief everything, you know what I mean? But I think, far far too often, I have gotten the short end of the stick when trusting developers. Some people I love (Valve), some people aren't too bad but still don't seem to care much about PC users (DICE; pre-BF3, Epic Games), and some people are just atrocious (Treyarch, Crytek). I'm not pre-ordering anything again. Even BF3 with all its hype, I'm waiting till it's out and people can attest to it being a true PC release or not. If I could go back, I probably wouldn't have bought Black Ops. I'd never have asked for MW2 and I even got that one as a gift >_>. Like I said, if Brink, Portal 2 and BF3 disappoint, I'll have to move to the consoles, where the games released are fine for the platform.

And @Awesome, I didn't think it was possible to tell someone off while bashing a developer XD

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #358 on: April 04, 2011, 03:41:36 PM »

(I half way believe redlum threw away his xbox controller in disgust and hooked up a keyboard and mouse but too shame to admit it, lol)

No such thing, the controller is there whenever yuh ready again Wyatt...No KB and Mouse... :P

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Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #359 on: April 04, 2011, 04:00:50 PM »

(I half way believe redlum threw away his xbox controller in disgust and hooked up a keyboard and mouse but too shame to admit it, lol)

No such thing, the controller is there whenever yuh ready again Wyatt...No KB and Mouse... :P



Re: Crysis 2
« Reply #359 on: April 04, 2011, 04:00:50 PM »


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