well another year and a new Legacy of Kain game. Legacy of Kain: Defiance continues after the nail biting ending of soul reaver 2. recap-- SR2 ended with raziel coming ful circle and fulfilling his destiny of killing his human self and being devoured by the soul reaver. it was at this moment that kain decides the break the circle stops the soul reaver from devouring raziel in the hope of mending his own role and destiny. the game ends with the phrase "History abhors a paradox"
in this outting we have a team up of the two heros Kain and Raziel for a new chapter of this series. ofcourse its all the hack and chop that you have become accustom to but it now focuses on the reaver of which there are 2 the physical reaver made to host raziel soul and taken as kain's right and the spirtual reaver which itself is raziels souls bound to himself.
my only question about this new series sis "isnt it about time the Kain saga come to an end?" i swear we''ll be playing legacy of kain episodes till late in our 40s. i guess edios learnt a valuable lesson from killing off lara kroft. killing off good games mean reduced income.
i will spoil you fun for you by saying that THIS ISNT THE LAST OF THE SERIES and there is a new one planned for next year but story wise it is captivating and wil have you speel bound never the less.
give it a touch.