Author Topic: Tech companies to pay for Bankers mistakes?  (Read 1415 times)

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Tech companies to pay for Bankers mistakes?
« on: May 05, 2009, 10:46:38 AM »
As time progresses I am really beginning to believe what was said in a lil conspiracy flick called the Obama deception....

Obama miffs tech companies
You will pay for bankers' mistakes
By Nick Farrell
Tuesday, 5 May 2009, 11:18

US PRESIDENT of the former UK colony of Virginia, Barack Obama has hit on a wizard wheeze to pay for the bail out of his chums in the banking industry.

When the bankers destroyed the US economy by sticking all their money on a dead cert, Obama spent billions of tax payers money to keep them in the style to which they had become accustomed. However now it has been revealed that he is hitting up the technology industry to foot the bill.

According to AP, Obama's tax plan which is being spun as "closing a loop hole" means that outfits that make money overseas will have to pay tax in the US.

The technology industry has been able to survive because of their overseas sales, most of which are taxed in the countries that they make them.

If Obama's proposal becomes law, the hard-hit companies such as HP, IBM, Cisco, Microsoft and Google will have to pay tax on foreign earnings at the Land of the Free's much higher tax rate. Maybe they would like to move to Britain where that one penny on tea which the US seemed to think was a pretext for armed terrorism seems nothing to what companies are expected to pay now.

It has been estimated that the plan will cost the bigger tech companies a combined $7.4 billion.

It is not clear if the technology industry which supported Obama in his White House bid will continue to love him much afterwards.

Obama thinks that US companies will create more jobs in the United States if there is less of an advantage to setting up operations overseas. The other thing they could do is shut down and move to another country which does not require them to pay for the cocaine-fuelled stuff ups in the finance industry, who seem to be the only ones to get anything out of the recession.

Honestly I think the banker CEOs and management that let this whole thing spin out of control and cause the crash should be put out to pasture... as in FARM, HARD LABOUR for the rest of their natural lives + seizure of all their assets etc. Cause the poor as usual are paying for the 'mistakes' of the rich... and I really do think these bankers are getting away with nigh much a slap on the wrists...


Tech companies to pay for Bankers mistakes?
« on: May 05, 2009, 10:46:38 AM »

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Re: Tech companies to pay for Bankers mistakes?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 10:50:44 AM »
lol @ jab about boston

and thats a really messed up idea, instead of making it nicer to stay at home to do business, you keep the environment hostile and unattractive but make the other side of the fence even worse... wow.

That doesnt sound all socialist like crazy ammo buying pubs were screaming hmmz


Re: Tech companies to pay for Bankers mistakes?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 10:50:44 AM »


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