So I take it every body buying UT3 of this weekend?If so Ill get for sure.
I ask this nao.How many of us nao buying games, or buying more often, just because of the steam-age? (UT3 and TF2 is FRAKKING 10USD, FCOL!)
You laid out very well the reasons I've decided to go with Steam.@ text with red background... apparently not I installed COD4 on desktop and laptop....Laptop does not have the online profile.Apparently COD stores multiplayer data client side, thats why there exists Level 55 hacks etc.So what I researched is that you can move your multiplayer profile by copying the folder from pc to pc, i.e. back that shiz up. I don't know bout parallel running yet though, i.e. level up to 45 on desktop, then go mobile, level up to 46, then go back on desktop where upon loggin in u are level 46 and can continue.
*glares at NGW speeds*
Steups...thats roughly five times as fast.At just over 8 GB, I lookin at about 2 days there, and that is if Blink doh play up in dey *censored* I would like to 'go with the flow', but sadly, I cannot. No digital in these parts yet.How much per month does a 10 MB connection from Flow cost anyway?