Anyone seen this?
I watched it the other day and have to say it is NOT what you expect.
First of this is NOT a martial arts movie with a story and so forth....its the other way around.
The movie is based HEAVILY on story with the martial arts undertone. In other words, you looking for a good kickup....its not here
Not to say there is no fighting. When there IS fighting, its the REAL DEAL. Straight up grapple and subdue style.
Essentially the story of a man *guy with the sword in Serenity* has a dojo where he trains jujitsu. He is out of money but refuses to give in to competition fights because they are for show, and he thinks that it is dishonorable.
Funny thing is anyone who lives or has lived in the US can be DEEPLY moved by this movie. It can show you how MUCH Americans (stereotyping here) love money, to the point where they couldnt care less about ANYTHING except themselves. Nothing about marriage, about family or even pride...they just want money. To stand up to that is a difficult thing, which is what this movie's undertone focuses on.
Helova thing, i enjoyed the movie. Was expecting a real kickup, but was pleasantly surprised.