Everyone else can moan and b1tch bout Michael Bay and plotholes and wah wah wah.Live in your anger, dissapointment, hate, happiness that it sucked, glee whatever...
It's your opinion and it's respected.
onto Avatar everyone!!!!
okok the movie was EPIC!!! eff all who think otherwise...
OK lets end this debate before it gets heated again. lol. Agree with what O/C said. But ne 1 wanna debate on GI JOE: Rise Of Cobra? There's a lot to discuss
Quote from: Archer on July 08, 2009, 09:12:37 PMOK lets end this debate before it gets heated again. lol. Agree with what O/C said. But ne 1 wanna debate on GI JOE: Rise Of Cobra? There's a lot to discuss I'll start, G.I.Joe looks like generic action movie.