Ray gun won't be used to cook IraqisThe heat is on for US militaryBy Nick Farrell: Wednesday, 04 June 2008, 5:52 AMTHE US PENTAGON has been showing off its latest toy, which is a ray gun that microwaves demonstrators.According to CBS's 60 minutes the raygun repels enemies by causing a burning sensation in the top layer of the skin.But the news show said that the military did not want to deploy the weapon, Dubbed the "Active Denial System", because it was a little too "Buck Rogers".The gun can disperse demonstrators from half a mile away.Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition Sue Payton, said that if people came at you after getting a dose of rays from the ADS then they were certain to be committed to killing you.But the problem is that if the US started to use it in Iraq, it would be accused of trying to remotely torture people who were just expressing their dissatisfaction against the ruling regime.While the army is happy to use it against Americans in civil crowd control, the feeling is that it cannot handle the negative PR generated by using it on Iraqis. Could be they reckon it's better to kill the homeland demonstrators and then the people most likely to complain would not be around to moan to CNN.We wonder what would have happened if the British government had turned such a weapon on those terrorists who sought to overturn their legally-elected and popular, democratic government over a penny annual tax on tea.