Judging from the feedback I've been seeing and hearing ppl gonna get this whether it sucks a$$ or not. Yes Duke was a badass back in the day but most will get this game out of pure nostalgia and to be part of "gaming history" so in the future they can say "I got and played Duke Nukem:Forever".They also state that the gameplay is fun but it's still too early to tell. As for me I'll be liking this regardless of how bad or good it is. This was one of the first games I ever played as a young kid, from Duke's days in 2d shooters go straight up. As Duke would say "Hail to the king baby!!"http://kotaku.com/5630192/how-duke-nukem-forever-was-brought-back-to-life
thanks for the history lesson wyatt but i know my history thanks and i knew duke WAS (<---keyword there) the shit back in the day.being a hall of fame game doesnt mean THIS game gonna be the greatest ever FPS to come out. Now i know allya PC men doesnt get much to play with eh so this 1 booked for allya but i just dont see console men clamoring over this with all the games we have coming down that looking quite frankly just plain better. (and before yuh say well Console men casual or not ole school etc let me remind u that i and many others are either ole school and some arent as casual)u put this next to killzone 3 and i wont even take a 2nd look at this, not even close imoagain like arc said its a little too late...and next year packed with shooters already (for us atleast)ppl like to say i hate or negative when in fact im just being very brutally realisticim not a daydreamer or a fantasy man i just like to live in reality.Lastly u compare an RTS to a Shooter?