Author Topic: child commits suicide cause of myspace... how incredibly stupid  (Read 2488 times)

Offline Xerotolerant

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sooo i just opened messenger and took a look at the little windows live today pop up thing and i saw an article that just left me in awe

that isn't the exact article but it is related to it, long story short some grown woman set  up a fake myspace account and heckled some little girl who intern killed her self, and now the mother of the dead child want her to go to jail for ever (or till she dead whichever comes first). And i ask you people what is you take on this?

i think that that, all the people involved, the girl, she moms and the woman who did the heckling are incredibly stupid.

how so?
well the idea of killing yourself over something someone who you've never seen, and probably doesn't exist is just the one greatest expressions of stupidity ever, imagine if everyone who was told that the world would be a better place without them killed themselves? The world would, actually, probably be a better place.... So i believe and stand by what i say when i say that child is just flippin stupid, if you have the mental capacity to start and or maintain a myspace page then you should be smart enough to know that nothing anyone on myspace says should ever really affect you.

That mother is a special kinda back side cause she want somebody to go to jail till they die for her own and by extension her daughter's stupidity. That's just uncool. I mean sure the woman shit up she child but she didn't KILL her child. Her daughter should have the sense to simply turn off the pc, block the user, or tell her moms, but kill herself? that is the child shit 100% and i firmly believe that when you kill yourself that is your business nobody is to blame but you.(assuming of course it wasn't an accident)

The Heckling woman now... jah hoss, stupid, but only because she waste time talking to a lil' girl on myspace and posing as a boy to pick up lil girls... now that i think about it that's even more messed up than i though but certainly not murderous.

Finally i say to the child moms, if you want someone to pay, then kill yourself for no teaching your daughter some common sense.

P.S. i'm never happy when someone dies, but when their cause of death is suicide my feelings fall to less than indifferent because no matter who you are to take your own life is your decision and that is something that nobody but you can be blamed for.
PPS i say pull down myspace until they can root out all the fake accounts (hah, that should keep it offline for a while).
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Re: child commits suicide cause of myspace... how incredibly stupid
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 07:07:52 PM »
this is a really old story from 2006...

they finally indicted somebody over it thats all

Offline Exar_Kun

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Re: child commits suicide cause of myspace... how incredibly stupid
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 09:11:37 PM »
I remember this from when it happened. The other mom essentially took advantage of a girl with low self esteem. If it was other kids doing this I'd say y'know deal with it. But I really think adults should know better. Especially since she knew the girl she was messing with and might have predicted that it would have left her traumatised.
I mean big flickin hard back man does end up in tears over woman, what d'you expect from a low self esteem girl who thinks a good lookin boy interested in her.

Maybe I just have a different perspective because I read the whole story when it came out, everything about how they tormented the girl.
Undoubtedly her parents bear some responsibility too because the psychological foundation to do something like that is built at home.

Offline Xerotolerant

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Re: child commits suicide cause of myspace... how incredibly stupid
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 11:00:22 PM »
yeah chain up and 'torment' is one thing but i don't believe and never will that anything said over the internet should make someone kill himself... and any man who goes into tears over a woman he never see, or had any contact at all with... should be shot.(not saying the girl should be shot but she should have just signed the flick out)

i read the whole story too btw, 20 years for messing with a girl head? shit i remember when i was 'tormented' my some of my moms students, shit i knew they existed, i got slapped tapped called 'lemon child' told far more annoying things than the world would be a better place without you, heck one of my school teachers told me that i'm nobody and i'll never amount to nuttin. never killed myself over that... not to my knowledge anyway.

old story yes but she now get sentenced to 20 years.. that is megaballs in my opinion.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 11:07:53 PM by Xerotolerant »
If automobiles had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside." -- Robert Cringely


Re: child commits suicide cause of myspace... how incredibly stupid
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 11:00:22 PM »


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