One guy already has the game and is posting up pics and story revelations.
sings like Hitman *AH get mih MEtal Gearrrrr......ah Get Mih Metal Gear.....IYMCCCCCC......IYMMMCCCCC* got a free strategy guide as well, cool. Game looks great plays great.....its great.......HYMC....go buy it
90 minute single cutscence. Theres a rumor going around about that, and the fact that the review companies that got early versions of MGS was told not to disclose that and other facts about MGS in there review. Of course that lead people to start questioning validity of early reviews....blah blah blah.All thats important and all but, seriously- A hour and half cutscene, i wouldn't be suprised, its is MGS afterall, and hardcore MGS fans will love it, but i think it will also seriously turnoff alot of people.
nah i in florida for a week and bought copies for 2 friends