In light of a recent... occurrence on a certain just a joke thread... and some strange comments made by a certain staff member, it is coincidental that I stumbled across an article and subsequent website that (should it have been known then and there) would have solved the problem altogether and led to no imho weird modifications. Anywhos, presenting Adobe Photoshop Express. It's still only in the beta but for the vast majority of average joe photoeditors and ppl that need photoshop ON THE GO to do small touchups, this could very well be the best thing since sliced bread (before exponential flour price increases).
Without further ado the website: requirements: Latest Flash player and internet access.
And there you have it, no need to worry about not having adobe photoshop again. Sure there are some other neat things to this, like 2GB online storage, ability to share pics with the world or link it to crackbook... looks like Adobe hit the nail on the head again with this one.