Author Topic: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy  (Read 2285 times)

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The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:14:22 PM »
This is  :violent5:

Biohazard sells 4.8GHz Skulltrails

The Rapture brings cryo cooling

By Charlie Demerjian: Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 11:53 PM

Click here to find out more!

IF YOU ARE looking for a cost-is-no-real-impediment high-end computing powerhouse, Biohazard Computers has a new system for you.

Enter the cryo-cooled Rapture, a custom built computer that has just about everything running at speeds that most people only dream about.

Fast and cold

As you can see, it is a high end PC, in this case an Intel Skulltrail, with a vapor-cooling rig in the bottom of the case. You can cool two CPUs and two GPUs with the chiller in the Rapture, possibly more if you ask them nicely. Given that each one is custom built for the customer, you just have to ask for it and it will probably happen.

The default clock on the Skulltrail system is 4.8GHz out of the box, which should be enough for most average web surfers and casual gamers. Biohazard goes for stability at speed, not just outright speed, so they could go higher if you need specific functionality. If you don't need massive GPU power, the system could be tuned for a bit more CPU speed, or conversely less CPU and more GPU if that is what you want.

Make no mistake, this is a very expensive and very powerful system. It is not just a bunch of parts pulled off the shelf and slapped into a box. Biohazard took a long time engineering this system, we first got wind of it in late 2007, and Nova saw a prototype in February. Since the machines are just coming out now, you can be sure there was a lot of tweaking and engineering done to it in the mean time.

In the end, what you have is most likely the fastest machine on the market, period. 8 cores at 4.8GHz is astoundingly fast, speeds that will not likely be reached for several years in 'normal' boxes. If you want one, call Biohazard now, but beware, they are not cheap.

How expensive you might ask?

I cut out the base price and the ridiculous price which include things like:
2 x GTX280
4 x 300GB 10K RPM Raptor HD


The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:14:22 PM »

Offline Redlum08

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Re: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 02:22:54 PM »
This is  :violent5:

Biohazard sells 4.8GHz Skulltrails

The Rapture brings cryo cooling

By Charlie Demerjian: Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 11:53 PM

Click here to find out more!

IF YOU ARE looking for a cost-is-no-real-impediment high-end computing powerhouse, Biohazard Computers has a new system for you.

Enter the cryo-cooled Rapture, a custom built computer that has just about everything running at speeds that most people only dream about.

Fast and cold

As you can see, it is a high end PC, in this case an Intel Skulltrail, with a vapor-cooling rig in the bottom of the case. You can cool two CPUs and two GPUs with the chiller in the Rapture, possibly more if you ask them nicely. Given that each one is custom built for the customer, you just have to ask for it and it will probably happen.

The default clock on the Skulltrail system is 4.8GHz out of the box, which should be enough for most average web surfers and casual gamers. Biohazard goes for stability at speed, not just outright speed, so they could go higher if you need specific functionality. If you don't need massive GPU power, the system could be tuned for a bit more CPU speed, or conversely less CPU and more GPU if that is what you want.

Make no mistake, this is a very expensive and very powerful system. It is not just a bunch of parts pulled off the shelf and slapped into a box. Biohazard took a long time engineering this system, we first got wind of it in late 2007, and Nova saw a prototype in February. Since the machines are just coming out now, you can be sure there was a lot of tweaking and engineering done to it in the mean time.

In the end, what you have is most likely the fastest machine on the market, period. 8 cores at 4.8GHz is astoundingly fast, speeds that will not likely be reached for several years in 'normal' boxes. If you want one, call Biohazard now, but beware, they are not cheap.

How expensive you might ask?

I cut out the base price and the ridiculous price which include things like:
2 x GTX280
4 x 300GB 10K RPM Raptor HD

GOOD GOD!! O_O That's as High as my current Bandwidth O_o

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Re: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 02:23:33 PM »
thaz my ultimate editing machine there yes...i could buy a car with that money though.

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Re: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2008, 02:32:30 PM »
Very nice machine, but i've got an acronym that I use to describe that machine.

WOFM (Pronounced Woffem)

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Re: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 02:36:50 PM »
WOW!!! I'll take 100 for myself!!! :D

*sells kidneys and all other vital organs in body*
Nagamete iru dake ja, itsumademo te ni dekinai...nagamete iru dake ja, kimi no mono ni wa naranai...

ssssssSSSSSSS...That's a nice everything you got there....SSSSSSS.


Re: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 02:36:50 PM »

Offline Philosophical45

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Re: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2008, 06:36:42 PM »
holy sweet mother of PENTIUM... i can't even afford that in my dreams... i need some dole chadee money to buy one ah dat..lolz the maxed out skulltrail that is..


Re: The Ultimate PRE-Built PC you can buy
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2008, 06:36:42 PM »


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