Author Topic: TriniWyatt's Gaming PC  (Read 44130 times)

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #80 on: March 24, 2010, 04:44:02 PM »
Wow that is a bess res. u sure is 19x12 and not 10?


Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #80 on: March 24, 2010, 04:44:02 PM »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #81 on: March 24, 2010, 04:55:08 PM »
wyatt, there are not reviews on amazon for d ram, becuase amazon never sell dat ram before, i was shcok to see it there.

d ram is rare, i only found it on ncixx which i was not able to buy from, and newegg.

so check newegg reviews, u will be impressed. trust me.

and i rel reserach ram, dat ram was rated as d best, on every site i check, next to d 500$ cl7 2000mhz kits, from corsair and ocz.

check newegg and decide from dat.

no other ram besides d rel high end, was able to run 12gb without ajusting yuh oc.
dat ram is table like ah house, and capable of runing cl6 if u loosen d timings, its crazy. dont rush to buy dat shit corsair, stop by newegg at least.

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #82 on: March 24, 2010, 04:59:54 PM »
I'm certain of it. That was one of the decisive factors in buying the Asus monitor.


Arcman, there has been a slight change already based on the discussions:

Awesome pitched this cheaper but equivalent 5850

but really didn't expect much deviation from the selection this time around since it was based upon some of the fastest rigs as seen in the 3dmark vantage thread.

Not much has changed since those guys upgraded. (namely yourself, awesome, messiah, isme2003, etc...)

I think the bigger question looming is which components get the upgrade treatment first? Phase 1 = cpu/mobo/ram change? Or phase 1 = 5850?

I'm a little afraid that my dual core 3ghz e6850 won't be powerful enough to push that monster around. It holds back my 4870 as is.

Yeah, messiah. gonna check newegg now.

hmm, the G.skill seems to be having QC issues too:

The very second review on newegg says this:

Pros: Works well and at specs. Able to reach 2033 with my EVGA X58-759 Classified. Really a good set of ram and you can't beat the price. Looks good and runs cool.
Cons: Did experience some BSODs when stressing memory at specs or slightly OC'd. After some testing, 1 stick out of my triple channel set consistently failed memtest v2.11 or v4.0. After removing the bad culprit memory runs like a charm.
Other Thoughts: I bought 2 sets at the time only tested the 3 sticks of 1 set. I already filled out the RMA request form for the 1 stick. Tech support does respond quite slowly and the phone does stay busy. Since I am waiting to hear back I might as well start testing each stick of the 2nd set to make sure all is well.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 05:03:44 PM by TriniWyatt »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #83 on: March 24, 2010, 05:12:10 PM »
So Corsair Dominator is 'shit RAM' now?

Okaaaaaay then.  Not about to jump into THAT discussion,
but MY Dominators have performed splendidly up to now, with no issues at all.

Fortunately they were a whole lot cheaper at the time I bought em.

I'm actually shocked to see the price they are at now.
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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #84 on: March 24, 2010, 05:36:16 PM »
How much did you pay for 'em?


Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #84 on: March 24, 2010, 05:36:16 PM »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #85 on: March 24, 2010, 06:03:32 PM »
wyatt, yuh will always find men who get lemon, look at that whole fiasco with d high end elpida chips failing, namely, Corsair. and they had to take them off d market, as a result, ocz did d same. but they're back now and works fine. where many ppl dominator gt ram spoil, many other's worked perfectly, some ppl does juss do crap and spoil dey ram too.

That being said, i dont think u could find any ram out there wihtout a review saying they had to RMA a stick.

To responde to arcman, corsair dominator is not shit on its own , when i say is shit ram, i mean compared to the g.skill
and if wyatt eh plan on overclocking, a native 2000mhz for d same price as dem corsair, is tuff to beat.

like i said wyatt, u see how stink my latest rig is, and d ram dat was going to live in dat is dem exact G.Skill, dis is based on weeks upon weaks of reserach before settling on that memory, i check everything from ocz, corsair, mushkin (pretty good stuff too) , g.skill, kingston, boy i check everybody, and read tons of reviews.

in d end, Dem G.skill was d best, anything better dan dat, was d cl7 Corsair Dominator GT kits, but dat was rel dollors for dat ram. Which only perfomrned slightly faster dan d G.skill in d benchmarks, wasnt worth d 200$ premium to me.

D G.Skill 200mhz competes with 450$ Kits, d normal dominators is no match for that memory.
I wanted d best parts fuh meh rig, at price points dat make sense, i ALMOST bought d Dominator GTs, but benchamrks juss wasnt allowing dat purchase to make sense.

Buying arcman 4870x2 is ah good option too, once d price is right :)

As a side note, depending on when u making yuh purchase, i coudl sell u my 3 Sticks of OCZ Reaper 1800MHz memory, for dog cheap :), and ill swipe me 12gb of dat G.skill.

Let me know.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 06:06:39 PM by MessiaaH »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #86 on: March 24, 2010, 06:19:28 PM »
but alyuh ain't just say not to go with 4870x2????

what kinda double talk is this. lol

Awesome already insinuate that his dx11 battlefield looking much better than mine and all kinda thing.

As for the ram rma issue (typo pun not intended)

Some components are high risk for rma and others are not. Take the hannsg monitor for example. It is an excellent monitor if you get one that works and continues to work for a long time. The net is over flowing with rma reports on that monitor. For argument sake, lets say 15% of them are doa or fail within 6 months.

The Asus monitor, while not as awesome still kicks ass and has much lower RMA reports. Say 2%.

went with the Asus.

Granted I could have still lucked out and landed square in the middle of the 2% with a dud 24" LCD on my hands but thankfully, that wasn't the case. Perfectly working monitor immc! (/me knocks on silicon)

Bit of a cautious approach (just like with the no overclocking thing, lol). I'll leave the risk taking to you youngons.

To get back to the topic at hand, the corsair has only 1 rma out of 25. Now that is odds a person averse to risk taking can live with. lol

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #87 on: March 24, 2010, 06:40:12 PM »
i say if u gettin thing dog cheap, mite be worth it, if arcman sellin dat x2 fuh rel cheap, id buy it. and d 4870x2 will run dx10,  juss not 11. if u want 11, is ah no brainer, 5000 series. but there is alot to be saved getin dat card from arc, no shippin, cheap price, etc etc.

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #88 on: March 24, 2010, 06:53:01 PM »
Forget the x2, it will only be an interim solution anyway.

Noob, as far a I am concerned, yuh ready to run with that shortlist.

Actually, I maintain that you can live like a king with much cheaper memory.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 06:56:50 PM by Captain Awesome »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #89 on: March 24, 2010, 06:56:55 PM »
lol, agreed. Is just to organise de $$ then and determine phase 1 / phase 2 purchase order.

but I wonder if arc will let me test drive the 4870x2 and offer a brother in arms a bess price?

Might come in handy for a second rig if my son do well in SEA.

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #90 on: March 24, 2010, 07:04:46 PM »
aint have time to read all them pages a thing nah... so i will just drop in my two cents

baego it seems as doh you dont upgrade often, like me...
you went from a 8800gt to a 4870 (like me) and now you looking for a next upgrade...
i've been with one 4870 recently... and remember i also had 2 x 4870's in my machine at a time

and i've gone to the 2 x 5770's and they are performing better than the 2 x 4870's so much so that my CPU is now the bottleneck :S...

so with ur pattern... you know by the time you ready to do a next upgrade the 5000 series cards will be outdated and it wont make sense to get another one to cross, you will be better of getting a 6000 series.

Thats just my 2 cents applied to your upgrade timelines
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 07:07:25 PM by phoenix31tt »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #91 on: March 24, 2010, 08:58:38 PM »
lol, agreed. Is just to organise de $$ then and determine phase 1 / phase 2 purchase order.

but I wonder if arc will let me test drive the 4870x2 and offer a brother in arms a bess price?

Might come in handy for a second rig if my son do well in SEA.

if yuh lookin 4 a bess price on a 4870X2, u can always check me. i'll be sellin mine cheap in a month or less. hope yuh doh mind Arc :happy0203:

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #92 on: March 24, 2010, 10:28:00 PM »
i cant believe all dis typing went on today.. alyuh doh have wok?

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #93 on: March 24, 2010, 10:36:34 PM »

how "bess" a price we talking here?

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #94 on: March 24, 2010, 11:15:48 PM »
check ur pm to see :happy0203:

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #95 on: March 25, 2010, 01:48:30 AM »
bess price indeed. I'll continue to monitor the situation.

Phoenix, checked your benchmarks and some pretty impressive numbers from those cards.

Also, if I interpret your 2 cents're saying go with a single card solution today, say the 5850 or 5870. And forget about crossfire altogether.

And when upgrade time rolls around in 9 months to a year, just spring for the best 6000 series card I could buy instead of looking to purchase another 5000 series.

is that right?

My only gripe is that you're on a quad cpu and it's overclocked to 3.6ghz.

I fear my dual core 3ghz at stock will not fear as well, powering a 5850 or dual 5770s for that matter. It is already limiting the performance of my 4870 as is. (see vantage benchmark thread)

also, why the mc hasn't the price dropped on this:? Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 3.0 GHz 12M L2 Cache 1333MHz FSB LGA775 Quad-Core Processor

The bloody thing still commanding a us$329.99 price tag

I7 isn't driving the prices of those old school quad cores down?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 02:18:52 AM by TriniWyatt »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #96 on: March 25, 2010, 07:53:05 AM »
Intel has realized that the demand for the Q9650 has not dropped, so they not in a hurry to drop that price.  Remember what I was able to do with the one I had?  It is very overclockable.

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #97 on: March 25, 2010, 09:12:34 AM »
aye archman, i need some opinions on that microsoft mouse u have up fuh grabs...

how u like it?

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #98 on: March 25, 2010, 12:29:45 PM »
nah what i saying is: go with the 2 5770's as you will get more bang for the buck from those cards... and there would be no need to get anything in the near future... (video card wise i mean)

the argument with going for a 5850 is that u can always add a next card when that time reach... but for you, by that time reach it wont make sense getting another 5850.

but very good point at the CPU.. as i noted my cpu is now the bottleneck and is quad @ 3.6, so i fear your cpu none overclocked might be a hold up, but u will still see great improvements in games moving from the 4870 to any next gen, card even if you dont upgrade the rest of the rig (so gcard first is still the recommendation)

btw.. since like my pm's dont work or something... you wukking bG?

and the reason why i7 not dropping in price:
AMD has nothing to compete even remotely with i7 (as far as i know) so the competition really is still between the core 2 series and amd current line... so no rush to drop prices
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 12:31:59 PM by phoenix31tt »

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Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #99 on: March 26, 2010, 03:48:55 AM »
ah, understood.

Another thing to consider, my current gigabyte board isn't crossfire ready. If I want to go with those two 5770's, the mobo will need to be upgraded. So that's additional cost.

Dropping in the single card would definitely be easier when you take that into consideration.

I would be very interested in seeing a 5850 benchmarked with a core 2 duo @ 3ghz. See what kind of performance to expect with just 2 cores helping to push those pixels around.

Intel really has no competition yes. Seems the entire Core 2 Duo and I7 line comes with leather studs and a tube of ky in the box.

Let dem haul dey mc with those ridiculous prices. Can't give men wrong for wanting to overclock at the asking rates for a measly 3ghz quad core.


Re: Build TriniWyatt a Rig 101
« Reply #99 on: March 26, 2010, 03:48:55 AM »


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