as you say that them punks in JK chaguanas try to sell me a PIRATED copy of Lost planet (pc) for $150!!one hundred and 50 fireball dollars for a pc burn game that they teef. JK is cyber pipers. i doh care what nobody say.
... its never right to sell pirated anythingit just burns my britches that people dont honour the pirates code on this they dont do their work for profit.. but of course someone hadda advantage that...
Well don't expect to be seeing movies on the streets anymore, yesterday the first major arrest was made and charges were laid for 1.5 million dollars (15 titles x 100,000) each. They targeting games next, better sign up for blink and stock up on blanks.
Can't they just leave people alone
Losing billions from trinidad ? thats laughable. I remember a good friend of mine wrote to Sony sometime ago and they basically said that Trinidad doesnt mean much to them, that we too small.