Well...you shouldn't. I don't know why anyone comes here, really.
Good going T&T, re-elect a DERELECT gov't, so they can keep you uneducated and jobless to promote more crime. Congratulations!
Trinidad, the only place in the world where we will make the tourists really feel like they live here.Activities include "staying inside yuh damn house", "keeping watch for cars tailing you", "tell which is the real police" and the latest hit "how fast that dog could run?".Sweet sweet T&T.
Actually there are a few cases where store owners do have and repeatedly use their firearms... I think it was a gas station in Laventille or Morvant or one of those places. The owner kill LEVEL mcs and they keep coming... criminals are like rats or lemmings its not a if at first yuh doh suceed, try something different... nah they just keep coming. What we need is NATION WIDE sweeps and deathrow cleanup, hang tham ALL in 1 hr!!! then go around capturing wanted criminals and have public hangings on the spot, you'll see a decline then! one might argue more violent retribution will only call more violent criminals.. my opinion is we'd only be CATCHING up with criminals! if we start enforcing MARTIAL LAW with an IRON FIST, it'd be stepping up to matching our punishment with their crimes! hang, disembowel, behead, death by s0d0my, I think these should all be publicly aired and the funds raised go towards families of victims :p
Kidnapping - bound and gagged thrown in the trunk of a b14/almera with busted shocks and driven on an extremely bad road, then take you out, public stoning AGAIN...not to death this time. And then thrown in jail for 10 years