Total Members Voted: 24
Voting closed: November 07, 2007, 01:02:22 AM
i doh understand this nonsense. everybody does come down on the PNM for every fleadin' ting goin on in the country! bawlin how dey go vote UNC-A or COP to change tings. doh fool allyuh self! nottin go change! tuesday mornin go come round and people go still be as ignorant as they was monday mornin! killin one anotha fuh every bad drive and game ah 'all fours' they lose! why blame de PNM for that, saying how de crime situation is Manning fault and he eh give meh a NHA house yet so fire bun he. look at the thousands ah other people who get a NHA house! half of the people who quarrelin have family who sick and gettin FREE HEALTHCARE without any problems. must be postin stuff on GATT while takin de same classes that de PNM make FREE! come on people, be real. look at the positives sometimes nah man.
Underemployment, plain and simple. Those same people thinkign free education is a way out will be the ones to suffer them ost, having a degree does not guarantee a job. And before we even go that far who really thinks we have the infrastructural facilities to support free tertiary education for all? Has anyone been inside a UWI lecture hall in the past 2 years? anyone ever tried to get a parking space at SBCS on a weekend? we are not in ap osition to maintain free education for 1 primary reason, we do not have the infrastructure.I've already spoken about underemployment but i will talk about it again. Anyone here converses with people in India at any point? Most people in India who pursue tertiary education have no choice but to at least get a Masters because having a BSC there is almost like getting a 5 O-levels. And alot of the poeple with BSC's have to scrunt before they get a proper job. Alot of people benefitting from Tertiary education thinking this will get them more money when they get jobs... not true at all! all that it ensures is that we will have a vast knowlege pool with an impressive human resource. But what good are potential Employees without proper Employers? who is going to hire all these pople who can get their degrees and pay them what they think they deserve?Now with respect to the Canadian comparison: this brings up another valid point about the downside of tertiary education, in the end the money has to be piad from some source, andi n this case the money comes directly out of our treasury. What is being done to ensure that the money comes back in? better yet, what CAN be done? I Canada they could do free education because the tax every month for working residents is over 40% of your salary. Now while i would never want to pay taxes that are so exorbitant, i know why it is done, it allows the country's treasury to have a guaranteed amount of money coming in that will cover things like free health care (which is not 100% free btw) and free education.