Hope no one ranted about this before but from the looks of recent developments it seems this should be a rant.
Before I begin I want to make a few things clear...Im not religously biased in anyway but I i try to make my religon my way of life. If you have a problem with this then I suggest you leave this thread now and thanks for pre-viewing.
That being said...it's been two weeks since the 'akon' incident and it seems that even the politians are having something to say. Not a problem what these so called ppl in authority should do is visit hi-rpm on a saturday between 12pm-6pm during the day and they would probably see the same thing but with younger girls and not so famous men.
Now everyone must have seen the dreaded 'video' but what i heard from my friend who were there was that NO one showed the video of the girl enticing AKon prior to his horny rampage over her.
Alot of ppl are saying "BLAME THE PARENTS" or "CLOSE DOWN ZEN" or "IS MANNING FAULT"....i'll deal with the last one frist
HOW IN THE F*** is Manning fault? he buy the clothes and pay for the ticket for the girl? steups......gosh
Now i heard lastnight that they close Zen indefinitely.......till next week
Well the parents are to blame for giving the child money if anything at all cause
1. You make the child not the mind
2. No matter how hard you try or how good you bring up a child unless you have a saint on your hands they are bound to rebel at some point human nature and worse yet trini nature - natural non-conformists
3. As parents you are allowed to trust your child unless your one of those keep the child in the house so much so that at the age of 19-20 when they do get out they're social outcasts
4. Shorty left home with a jacket.....
5. There are supposed to be laws and restrictions that prevent a 14-15 yr old from going to a place like that regardless of parental consent
Imho the only person to blame is the girl her self......for being foolish...not young and stupid to quote some high ranking official who should be chained and whipped for even saying that
Now on another note....christians seemed to be taking this hit the hardest....all over i keep hearing "pastor daughter this and pastor that and blah blah yada yada"
Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling if this had been a pundits daughter we would have never known or heard little about it from word to mouth and not in the media? jus an observation.