All GATT members with PS3's and registered on the Playstation Network...Post your PSN User Name so that we can basically add each other and join in to some cool online matches...(Once your user name has been posted..Myself or other mod will update the list)List:Andrew_005 - anjupangArcman - ArcmanovBloodWar - CannonVulcanBlu_ViCe - Blu_ViCeCamre - Rewris1Chanster1990 - chanster1990Convict - Saood2409Duelists101 - Marcos_RB01EmpireKing - NaruubiEroo - David_CrockettExar_Kun - Exar_KunGervy - gervy_d_24Greyfox - sadistic_greyfox23rd Ipix - IpixTTImperial_X - Imperial_XJasonsjohn1987 - jasonsjohn1987Justinkoo - justinkLimitGTX - LimitGTXLuminoso - BLiNK-GFXNinja_55 - ninja_55PikachuManZzZ - PikachuManQloxx - QZIDERedlum08 - RedlumTTRion - WebionRocklee911 - Rock_lee911Shivadee - finalb00stSlick - fawweeSlysuki - SlysukiTheApprentice - The_Apprentice Vivman1107 - vivman1107 Zenmaster - Mroc13abdalla_21 - abdalla_21GATT Username = RedGATT Staff (Admins/Mods) = CyanOther Trinis on the PSN:Revelation99Joker9720GB-Xecutionaras3000latoneydekghostydelta_sigmaspoonztttaolbi
Add me to the list, woodyear99, Getting a ps3 soon...