Author Topic: Worst thing to happen to you in a relationship ? and Why ?  (Read 1809 times)

Offline CMR170889

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Worst thing to happen to you in a relationship ? and Why ?
« on: April 14, 2007, 11:13:18 PM »
 :love9: :love9:
 :love6: :pain10:
All right so I'm laying back now, Rum shop time, thinking of all the messed up love stories to play out; or simply the stupid things that are done or said all in between.

Does it seem like the best part of a relationship is about only the first 3months for the most ?

Anyway  The point of this thread is to highlight the reasons that may cause "stupid" things to happen within relationships and also maybe even help us learn a lesson or two off of each other. You never know may end up helping yourself or someone else that's going through the same issues.

Well the extreme end would definitely be the person leaving your @ss (in my case me) for someone else  :angry:  :violent5:   lol
Now why --- you know something I'm still asking why. When I find out i'll post.

PS -- Don't be quick to tell the other person what you really think, rite away, in any harsh manner. Think it out first. Also when you get vex with the person don't do this  :violent5: well maybe if it's a sunday, but still you shouldn't -- just cool off first and then talk to the other person and try to work out things. If all hope and all else fails, there's always GATT to drown yourself in. A great sweat always helps too. lol

This has been a product of Redifined Boredom.
I hope it's all cool

« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 11:24:38 PM by CMR170889 »
You know who's going to inherit the earth?  Arms dealers  because everyone else is to busy killing each other   That's the secret to survival  never go to war    Especially with yourself.


Worst thing to happen to you in a relationship ? and Why ?
« on: April 14, 2007, 11:13:18 PM »


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