Author Topic: hummer pwnd by school bus  (Read 5597 times)

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hummer pwnd by school bus
« on: April 02, 2007, 09:16:53 AM »



hummer pwnd by school bus
« on: April 02, 2007, 09:16:53 AM »

Offline W1nTry

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2007, 01:14:34 PM »
Definitely looks fake... school bus or not, a hummer wouldn't crumple like that after hitting a bus... not to mention a hummer isn't capable of going fast enough to cause that kind of damage to itself AND even so the bus would have suffered alot more damage at the speed required to do that to a hummer... etc you get the idea.

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2007, 10:34:48 PM »
looks fake to me, can't picture how a schoolbus would end up ontop of a hummer

Definitely looks fake...

The second crash occurred at about 10:30 a.m. in the 1600 block of Madison Avenue and shut down traffic in both directions.

Police said Sabrina Trotter, 44, the driver of an Indianapolis Public Schools bus, stopped on the road to take a cell phone call from her mother.

Police said the driver of a Hummer, John Northrop, 54, was going northbound and was tuning his radio when he plowed into the back of the bus.

Northrop suffered minor injuries. Police ticketed Trotter for an improper stop.

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 11:06:11 PM »
diciple you come a day late with you April fools joke boy.

Offline Gambitt

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2007, 12:51:50 AM »
Gentlemen, please.

The hummers you see on the road are NOT the same as their military cousins. Like most production cars they are built with crumple zones and designed to basically go all to hell to absorb the force of the impact and keep the fools driving them from being dead at the end of the accident.

Hummers are quite capable of going fast enough to do that kind of damage, because they weigh so much. As all of you know F = m x a. The hummer has to stop in a very short distance so a is very large. Even when it isn't, M is still very large. Hence, F must either be very large or bloody huge.

You all have been fooled by the media and mass marketing into thinking that these vehicles are rough and ready, strap a machine gun on the top and let's go take on a tank type productions. They are not.

That and, it's not the first time people have smashed the crud of of these p.o.s suvs.

And you can still find these pics on the gleaner website of beenie man's H2 from Jan of 2k4.

Yes... they could all be photoshopped, but if we are going to be that cynical without actually stopping to think about it for a second first, you guys are all just figments of my imagination and I can get rid of ALL of you just be imagining up a giant vampire monkey that eats people who post on message boards and makes souvenirs and sells them to tourists in Pigeon Point and whispers winning lotto numbers in my ear. Remember that.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 12:57:37 AM by Gambitt »
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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2007, 12:51:50 AM »

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2007, 09:32:08 AM »
yes i do

ill get the photos from the bg arrive alive campaign

there are photos of a hummer hitting a neon
a flikkin NEON yu know, that jazzy dodge from need for speed?

and totally getting ownzored~ then tehre is one of a hummer hitting a porche, same effect, front of hummer getzz ownzoredd

as gambitt said, crumple zones stop the impact from killing the driver and passenger and yeah the only way that accident could have occured is if the hummer hit the bus and not the other way around.

THe military hummerz are of course tuff as nails, but not the commercial cousins.

i think i have the pics in my email ill try and up them to show yall hummerz being owned from almost every conceivable make of car and fense an all

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2007, 02:55:29 PM »
Hm....a very puzzling picture indeed. I haven't seen anything on Snopes yet stating whether or not this picture and the associated article were fake, but the articles do look like the real deal. As for the puzzling nature of the accident, all I can say is that I have seen and heard of some rather unbelievable accidents where the car is nothing short o completely totalled, but the people inside manage to survive, some of them with only minor injuries despite the colossal damage.

How the Hummer got under the bus is anyone's guess, but it might be a case of some of the wreckage actually sliding under the bus after impact, including a tire which may have gotten itself stuck there, giving the impression that the bus is on top of the Hummer. Either that, or the Hummer might have hit the back of the bus so severely, that the rear end might have been launched a bit by the impact and then landed on top of the vehicle.

The picture itself doesn't look shopped to me, (and, if it is, it's a very good job), because of two things. One, the damage seems to be somewhat consistnt with each other in terms of impact (save for the appearance of the wreckage under the bus, which seems to be what's disconcerting to a lot of people). Secondly, the tell-tale sign of photo manipulation...grainy, watery pixels and blurred outlines- seems to be absent from the image.

Also, Crixx and Gambitt do have a point - commercial Hummers are nowhere close to being as tough as their military counterparts. One is a mode of transportation designed for mass production, while the other is built with the objectives of sustaining damage such as gunfire and minor explosions.

So, there's a good possibility that these images can be real. History (and a lot of reality TV) has proven that sometimes, the inconceivable has a way of showing up.

Offline Gambitt

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2007, 07:45:04 PM »
Not puzzling at all really. It's not hard for one vehicle to lodge under another if it's going fast enough. Also remember that we are seeing the right hand side of the vehicle. The driver was probably seated on the visibly less damaged side.

It appears that the hummer hit the back of the bus. This may have caused it to lurch into the air but not necessary. The right front took the more severe hit, the tire fell off, as tires are wont to do during real accidents (as opposed to the ones in computer driving games where you suffer only cosmetic damage). This had the effect of lowering the right front side and more of the damaged vehicle was able to pack in under the bus than one would expect. Note the planks of wood elevating the vehicle.

Also note the effects of the crumpling of the vehicle in the roof and especially the corner near the rear door. There is no way to tell for sure without actually seeing the vehicle but the extent and nature of the damage suggests that the left hand side bore more of the damage

Additionally for those who still doubt the survivability of a totalled Hummer, see the links above to beenie man's hummer. Search the gleaner's website for a story. I seem to remember him being inside of it and surviving.

What IS worthy of note in the picture is that WASA and T&TEC seem to be exporting their patented highly trained supervisory staff. Observe the four gentlemen in various uniforms standing around in the back, ever ready to spring into action at a moment's notice with a limp fire hose capable of incredible feats.

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2007, 08:48:35 PM »
great point that this is left hand drive, so its not like he was on the destroyed right hand side, like if he was in trinidad

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2007, 09:51:20 PM »

geez allyuh type some rel long posts dey boy :|

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2007, 12:43:48 AM »
It's not a matter of fighting down. I was pointing out the obvious crumpling in the photo to indicate that the photo probably has not been photoshopped from a picture of a stock hummer. Most people would not remember to add those particular details.

But the toughness of the chassis is an important factor, it gives a clue to the amount of force needed to create the damage. Remember that that force acts not only on the vehicle, but on the blood-filled sacks of flesh and bone inside the vehicle called "occupants". With the commercial Hummers that's not very large, so the "meat-bags" aren't plastered all over the front of the vehicle when the vehicle comes to a complete stop in less than two metres. With the military version the "same" stop will have a different result.

You did ask about the vehicle taking that kind of damage and the driver managing to come out with minor injuries. The toughness of the vehicle is an important factor.
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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2007, 02:00:02 PM »
I still find this hard to believe. Injuries aside... its really SAD if the 'crumple zone' in ur vehicle also includes the cab... the way I see it, in the least this would be deserving of a lawsuit of some kind.... its not like its a japanese car here. Be it not as reinforced as its military parentage... its still not supposed to fold like paper mashe... anyone care to speculate what speed the hummer would have to be going to inflict this level of damage on itself?

-> Update:
I decided to google "hummer accidents" and found the following:

I guess it could be true..
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 02:06:42 PM by W1nTry »

Offline Gambitt

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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2007, 08:08:55 PM »
Not quite, I read it and answered it. When you tried to play it off as others fighting down the hummers I explained how my statements about the degree and nature of the damage are connected directly to the survivability of such a crash and doing so without loss of life and limb. Many people would understand that when passengers walk away because the vehicle crumpled, they generally dont have much to complain about, some would argue that the same is true for those who dont survive.

You are now trying to pick nits about the "minor" injuries, where before you were claiming that the image had to be a "fake".

I will try once again, because I like you and because I am hoping to be made a saint when I pass away, the nature of the injuries and the ability of the vehicle to absorb impact force by crumpling go hand in hand. If the vehicle had not been in such a bad state, the driver would have suffered what one would call "major injury" namely those emergency personnel having to use a crowbar to pry his dead body off the back of the bus, where it would have ended up when he flew out the front windscreen.

Let me explain this in another way.

In cricket a cork ball is a very heavy, hard object. If you try to stop it without drawing your hand back with the force (absorbing some of the force into your muscles, thus slowing the ball over a large distance) you would most probably break several bones in your hand.

If we had a hollow cork ball with an egg (which we will name "Mr Driver-man" rattling around inside of it, such a stop would break the fragile egg, no questions asked. A gentler catch could however result in far less damage to "Mr Driver-man". If "Mr Driver-man" was placed in a big old ball of cotton floss, which would compress to absorb the force of impact, chances are much better that he would come out with only a few cracks.

Of course in the first incident the cork ball would suffer very little damage, the ball of cotton would probably be a misshapen lump.

I will not attempt to explain this to you any further. If you wish to save face by saying that others are fighting it down, you may. It would have been much simpler to accept the truth of the matter, check the links provided above or unknowingly duplicated the effort and searched the way W1ntry did. You chose a different path and at least you are sticking to it. Good luck with that.
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Re: hummer pwnd by school bus
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2007, 08:08:55 PM »


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