NEO, I'm interested in this just out of curiosity.
Could you pm me the link?
Also, just read this update on Paddington's site. Interesting development!
Version 2.0 Update
I am in search of a computer developer who would like to develop Version 2.0. I will update this website once development of Version 2.0 is underway. Currently, I have partnerships with Stag and with Red 96.7 FM who are both keen on working with to develop and sponsor Version 2.0. If you have programming skills and you are interested in joining the All Fours Computer Game development team, please email me at .
Features of Version 2.0 to include:
Online play against friends, form teams and play against anyone in the world.
Rule variations.
More animations.
Graphical ability to send 'signs'.
Ability to send signs to the computer.
Macintosh version.
Special thanks to the countless All Fours enthusiasts who have sent emails to express their interest in the release of the All Fours Computer Game Version 2.0. Your thank you emails for Version 1.0 have been deeply appreciated. Please continue to send emails about what you would like to see in Version 2.0 .
Special thanks to Guy Guyadeen who has donated to the development of the All Fours Computer Game. Donations to the All Fours Computer Game are deeply appreciated and would be used to directly fund the game's development.
For more information on the All Fours Computer Game, to contribute to the All Fours Computer Game and for further information on advertising within Version 2.0 please contact: Alexander Paddington.(Email address: