Sued amusement park for not warning him to be careful of thunderstorms
Man sues over slow arrest
I heard once of a guy who committed a minor traffic offense and the officer decided to not give him a ticket. Guy turns and sue the city/police for not issuing the ticket and won..If only i could find the article now...In Atlanta GA I think it's unlawful for a guy to give another guy a piggy back ride...also try THIS on for size... OMFG..(date unknown) 'Jackass' Sued by a Real Jack Ass. actually support this one:, good grief!!
in america, i saw on judge joe brown oncethis woman done she husband who was in the army while he was away, she say he was hornin she.but in fact she was hornin him, and the child that he raised as his own for 5 years was not his child.Sounds the same right? well... in america, there is a law stating that if you are a man, that has been taking kare of a child and treating it as your own, you are legally obligated to continue to pay child maintainence even if it is found it is not your child. Once yu have been taking kare of the child for more than a year or 2.The man was like :O you cant be serious?But its not my child!!aand yu know the even worse part?the woman said she knew who the real father was all along, and she even told the judge that, but the LAW requires he still continues paying.... poor black man
i just have one thing to say let us all go to america and sue people for stupid stuff we may win