Nagato (Japanese: 長門, named after Nagato province) was a battleship of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the lead ship of her class. She was the first battleship in the world to mount 16 inch (406 mm) guns, and her armour protection and speed made her one of the most powerful capital ships at the time of her commissioning.
Jiraiya (児雷也 - literally "young thunder"), the title character of the Japanese folktale Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari (児雷也豪傑物語, "The tale of the gallant Jiraiya"), is a ninja who uses shapeshifting magic to morph into a gigantic toad. The heir of a powerful clan in Kyūshū of the same name, Jiraiya fell in love with Tsunade, a beautiful young princess who masters snail magic. His arch-enemy was his one-time follower, Orochimaru, who mastered snake magic.
that Naruto vs Orochimaru fight was a let-down. they could have done alot more with that arc in the story, but they blew it. i mean dey eh even battle through 2 episodes self!!!
Quote from: Rage on January 18, 2008, 10:22:12 PMthat Naruto vs Orochimaru fight was a let-down. they could have done alot more with that arc in the story, but they blew it. i mean dey eh even battle through 2 episodes self!!!So wait... they blew it how exactly? because they DIDN'T PROLONG UNNECESSARILY LONG AS USUAL??? dude, count your blessings, I grew tired of Naruto DRAGGING along, trying to make 1 chp into 1 episode. EVEN IN the fight, the FILLER material was OBVIOUS.... *sheesh*
「九尾を手懐ける瞳力…それ以外にも何かあるってのか?」"There's something else besides having the eyes to tame the Nine-Tails?"イタチ「そうだ…そのもうひとつの秘密 それが最も重要な秘密だ」Itachi: "Yes. And that remaining secret is the most important one."サスケ「重要な秘密…?何だ?」Sasuke: "Important secret? What is it?"サスケ「何だ?教えろ…」Sasuke: "Answer me! What is it?"イタチ「少し昔話をしてやろう うちはの歴史にまつわる話だ」Itachi: "I'll tell you a little story. One dealing with the history of the Uchiha."「かつてマダラにも兄弟がいた…弟だ 幼き頃より二人は互いの力を高め合い競い合った」 競い合った""A certain Uchiha Madara once had a brother of his own...a younger brother. When they were young, they competed against each other, both growing in power."「そして二人は写輪眼に開眼し 兄弟の名は一族の中でも特別なものになっていった"As a result they awakened to the Sharingan. They became known as special brothers even within the clan."二人は成長を求め競い合い 兄弟はついに万華鏡写輪眼を開眼したのだ」競い合い"By seeking growth via competition against one another, the brothers finally attained the Mangekyou Sharingan."「それはうちは一族始まって以来の事だった そして兄弟はその瞳力うちはを束ね"That was from the beginning of the Uchiha clan. So with their powerful eyes, the brothers took control of the clan."兄のマダラはリーダーになった しかし順調だったマダラの身にある異変が生じ始める"The older brother, Madara, became leader. However, strange abnormalities began to grow upon his otherwise healthy normal body."さっき話したな…この眼は特別だと 使えば使うほど封印され行き着く先は全くの闇"I said it before...these eyes are special. The more you use them, the closer the complete darkness approaches which seals it away."これが万華鏡写輪眼の末路だ 大きな瞳力を…力を得る代わりにその力は自ら閉じ 光を失う」"This is the end of the road for the Mangekyou Sharingan. In exchange for that great will shut your 'eyes'...parting with the light."「マダラは光を取り戻すためあらゆる手を尽くすが何一つ効果を得られるものはなかった ""Madara exhausted all means for the sake of returning his light, but nothing was effective."絶望した そして万華鏡に取り憑かれたマダラは光を求め…」"He despaired. And so, possessed by the Mangekyou, Madara sought the light..."マダラ「許せ…」Madara: "Forgive me."弟「ぎゃああああ」Younger brother: "Gyaaaaa!!"イタチ「自ら弟の両眼を奪い取ったのだ」Itachi: "He plucked his brother's eyes."「マダラは新たな光を手に入れた そしてもう二度とその眼の光は閉じることがなかった"Madara gained a new light. And never again was his light ever shut away."永遠の万華鏡写輪眼! 弟の眼は新しい宿主を得ることで永遠の光を手に入れたという…」"The eternal Mangekyou Sharingan! Being the new host for his brother's eyes is what is said to give him a new light."「そしてそればかりか変化を起こした 特有の新しい瞳術がその眼に生まれたのだ"And so, whether it was just that or not, it caused a change. A unique doujutsu was born from those eyes."ただし瞳のやりとりは一族間でしか行えない それにこの方法で誰もが新しい力を手に入れるわけ ではない」"This is all provided that the exchange of eyes would not be done outside the clan. And by this method, no one would know how to acquire this new power."「これはその後の多くの犠牲者の歴史の上に築かれた事実…それがこの眼のもう一つの秘密だ」"After that, a reality of countless victims piled up over the course of this history... That is the remaining secret of these eyes."「マダラはその力を使いあらゆる忍一族を次々と束ねていった そして忍最強と謳われていた"Having those powers, Madara brought all the shinobi clans, one by one, to heel.* And so he was called the strongest of all shinobi."森の千手一族と手を組み新たな組織を設立したのだ その組織こそが後の木ノ葉隠れとなる」"Joining hands with the Mori no Senju clan (or can be read as the "Senju clan of the forest"), a new establishment was founded. It was that establishment that became Konohagakure."「その後マダラは千手一族のリーダーであった後の初代火影と里の方針を巡って対立 その主導権 争いに"Afterwards, Madara met with the leader of the Senju clan who would later become the Shodai Hokage, and with whom which he had a confrontation over matters of village policy. The conflict over the right of leadership."敗れはしたが マダラは今もその瞳力と共に在り続けている」"Though defeated, Madara continues on even now along with the power that lies in his eyes."「新たに“暁”を組織し その影に姿を隠してな」"The shadow of his newly organized "Akatsuki" does its part to hide his visage."「十六年前 九尾が木の葉を襲った事件はもちろんマダラが起こしたものだそれも四代目によって阻止されてしまった」"It goes without question that the attack by Kyuubi upon Konoha that 16 years ago was caused by none other than Madara. It was prevented regrettably by the Yondaime."サスケ「!」Sasuke: !イタチ「今のマダラは負け犬だ…うちはの高みを手にするのは奴じゃない …あの男 マダラを超 え本当の高み へと近づくのはこのオレだ そして今! ! オレはマダラを超える力をようやく手に出来る!Itachi: "Madara as he is right now is a failure. He isn't the one who will attain the heights of the Uchiha. The one who is getting closer of attaining that true height, of surpassing that man, me. And it's now! I finally will be able to get the power of surpassing Madara!"イタチ「サスケェ!!お前はオレにとっての新たな光だ!」Itachi: "Sasukee! You are my new light!"サスケ「!」Sasuke: !イタチ「お前はオレのスペアだ!!元来うちは一族は万華鏡写輪眼の為に友と殺し合い…Itachi: "You are my spare! The Uchiha clan originally had friends kill one another for the Mangekyou Sharingan-"永遠の瞳を得るために親兄弟で殺し合い そうして力を誇示し続けてきた汚れた一族なのだ!"To attain the eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, they had brothers kill each other. And by doing so they stained their hands with blood, continuing to display their power."そしてその一族の中に生れ落ちた時からお前も この血塗られた運命に巻き込まれている!"And so, you too are enveloped by this blood-stained destiny, from the very time you were born within the clan!"さあ来い!弟よ!オレはお前を殺して一族の宿命から開放され本当の変化を手にする!"Now come, brother! Once I kill you, I will liberate the clan from its destiny and attain true change!"制約を抜け 己の器から己を解き放つ!」"I will drop my limits and release myself from my "capacity"*!"~サスケ回想~Sasuke flashbackイタチ「お前とオレは唯一無二の兄弟だ お前の越えるべき壁としてオレはお前と共に在り続ける さ」Itachi: "We are unique brothers, you and I. I act as the wall you must overcome, so that you and I can continue existing together."イタチ「お前はこのオレを越える事を望み続けてきた だから生かしてやる…オレの為に」~Itachi: "You continued hoping to surpass me. That's why I let you live...for my sake."イタチ「オレ達は互いのスペアだ!それこそがうちはの兄弟の絆なのだ!」Itachi: "We are each other's spares! That is what binds us as brothers of the Uchiha!"イタチ「どうやら心の中のオレがちゃんと見えたようだな」Itachi: "Seems you were able to see enough of my true self."サスケ「全てはこの為か…」Sasuke: "So it was all for this..."~サスケ回想~Sasuke flashbackサスケ「名はうちはサスケ 嫌いなものならたくさんあるが好きなものは別にないSasuke: "Name: Uchiha Sasuke. Lots of things I don't like, and I don't really like anything."それから…夢なんて言葉で終わらす気はないが 野望はある 一族の復興と ある男を必ず」"And I have no intention leaving the word as "dreams". I have ambitions. The resurrection of my clan, and...-"「殺すことだ」 ~" kill a certain man."サスケ「やっと…たどり着いた」Sasuke: "All or nothing...this is it." おわりEnd*Means that it was under Madara's control**Itachi used the word "onore" 己 which can refer to either Itachi or Sasuke. I believe it's referring to Itachi though.
well i have to admit i enjoyed episode 44 of the anime a hell of alot more than the last few. I guessing they coming lcose to the scene i nthe first episode where they me twith Sasuke