evil_snoop - EvilSn00pHey guys add me to your list
Shivadee - Ic3cr3amcon3CowSquad - CowSquadArcman - ArcmanovVivman - vivman1107Other Trinis on Live not GATT members as far as I knowGamertags:RumBabyWoodyear99Agokillya-Chanster1990akkukAgokillya - AgokillyaRussell2nrfoz4ric -Girl that pwns W1nTry in Gears of War (LOL) I guess She is a memberspoiltyShenlong01TRINI RONNIE 2triniboy357
thats odd...I remember having those on the list...O can you verify whether the ID Limit GTX is actually active on xbox live?Because the guy supposedly has that name on the playstation network...but its not been registered...