Author Topic: CONSOLE WAAAAR!! - DOTA Tourney Side Event/Challenge Series  (Read 26102 times)

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actually its the music from the opening movie of dirge of cerberus


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Nice highlight reel.  NEO, I'm not a marvel expert here, but I was there when the first clip in that vid happened.  You were rushing down and RB used AHVB to try to counter you the same time you used that super.  I'm pretty sure of that and the fact you didn't know both attacks would be nullified.  Come on man, you were just as surprised as we were.
Consciousness yearn to kill
To re-affirm the will,
Zealous I burn the drill
Forging, I mould the skill.

Offline New Era Outlaw

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Actually no. It happened to me a few times before. Particularly in 1, where I would catch serious kicks off of people when they forget one simple thing about Rush Drill.

Rush Drill is invincible during transformation and until the timer runs out.
Cable's Viper Beam, when it hits Rush Drill, would actually run down the timer, but not enough to actually run Roll out of time and hit her. Rather, it would run it out just enough to negate the attack, so it grinds down to a stalemate. However, had I attempted to use the super too late, Roll's invincibility during the move would actually be a hair too late to trigger and she would have gotten hit. She's only invincible once she turns white.

I remembered a time where something similar happened to me in 1, also.
I had very little life left with Roll, and somebody was playing War Machine.
He tried to hit me a Proton Cannon, and I changed into the Rush Drill. The beam couldn't hit me while I was in the tank, and, likewise, I couldn't even more forward because the beam kept me in place. In the end, it ground down to a stalemate, with neither side managing to land a hit.

I'm digressing here, though.
The thing about Cable is, play against him long enough, and you tend to anticipate when those VBs are coming, zero start-up or not. While I was rushing him down, I was watching his meter. The pure objective behind Cable is to fire shots and build meter while keeping a good distance.

So, just as soon as he was almost to the ground, I decided to start wringing for Rush Drill one time, because I know for a fact that even though I won't get through in the end, Cable's beam wouldn't hit me, either. Sure enough, RB attempted to fire HVB at me, and I used Rush Drill. The end result is what you see. Note carefully in the video that Roll's Super actually gets pulled off as Cable is doing his HVB (a character's portrait appears in the background when a Super is done).

« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 09:55:25 PM by New_Era_Outlaw »

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actually you started the super before the AHVB i saw the bird and attempted it, it failed....

my bad wrong match...just watched it was the dog
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 10:01:15 PM by rb »

Offline New Era Outlaw

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Really? Hm. Now that I think about it....that is true.
I must have been thinking of some other match, then.

Then I guess, at the time, I was trying to goad you into firing a beam at the Drill, then. I do that sometimes in 1, also.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 10:05:58 PM by New_Era_Outlaw »


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Ahh it was a good event, but we (4 of us) missed d naruto players there!!

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that video was pretty slick

Offline New Era Outlaw

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I think MvC2 should be in ARENA 2007. Those matches were really exciting.

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btw when is arena 2007
PLEASE host naruto as well
Lol this must already be very annoying

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I'm sure you realize now that Naruto has a very small following, weren't you at the console war asking where the naruto players at ? That just goes to show, almost no one plays the game outside of Tech Source, and even so I'm sure 50% just button mash anyway. Naruto as an event at the last arena was a big LOL, seriously I'm sure many people signed up just to play it anyway, just like in java people just humored you and played along.

It'll never catch on unless the English version releases soon and guess what...that will make people ears bleed.  Outside of a few people no one imports GC games and although there are a few people with modded cubes, its not exactly a game people ask for when they buy it ( I work at JK so I'd know just incase someone wants to make a silly comment) Also if I were to use Baego's show me the numbers formula, the numbers would come up short.

Naruto as a national tourney game is as laughable as Mortal Kombat Armageddon, however it can be  doable though, but on a much smaller scale. It'll be up to you to organise this tournament yourself or have an organisation assist you.

Offline New Era Outlaw

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I agree. In the case of MKA, though, I'm willing to give it some degree of exposure, though, to be honest, it's a disappointment, especially with regards to the crowd reaction to the game. I hope MK8's something to write home about.

Naruto.....sorry to say, is a very overrated game series.
I keep telling people that it's only fairly popular because of the show.
Other than that, it's a pretty simplistic game, and I have actually observed people button mashing in the game. Also, despite what many people tell me, Naruto's only played consistently in other GL or gaming place I visited even touches this game.

Still, I think if any game is given some exposure, people might actually make an attempt to diversify and try their hands at it. Heck, the thought of people trying out something other than Tekken 5 is a good one. (Sorry, but that game, as good as it is, is just done to DEATH now. I mean, come ON. Every sweat we have nowadays feature Tekken as the only fighting game? Get real.)

Offline AR!Ø

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NNNOOOOOO....damnn well thanks for clearin that up, it seems we won't be able to test out if we any good or not anytime soon. :( Oh well no worries, is about time I pick back up Tekken it seems!!

But dogging on, can I get at least a number (like actual number) of how many players we would be lookin at in Tech Source? We like sweat this game for 8 (EIGHT) Hours one time when we was plannin to come down there last year.
RED BULL FTW, we finish a case in that time, split between 3 men, 2 of which were *ahem* 'inebriated'. Lol we clinging on to any lil thread (lol pun) we get.

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I agree. In the case of MKA, though, I'm willing to give it some degree of exposure, though, to be honest, it's a disappointment, especially with regards to the crowd reaction to the game. I hope MK8's something to write home about.

Naruto.....sorry to say, is a very overrated game series.
I keep telling people that it's only fairly popular because of the show.
Other than that, it's a pretty simplistic game, and I have actually observed people button mashing in the game. Also, despite what many people tell me, Naruto's only played consistently in other GL or gaming place I visited even touches this game.

Still, I think if any game is given some exposure, people might actually make an attempt to diversify and try their hands at it. Heck, the thought of people trying out something other than Tekken 5 is a good one. (Sorry, but that game, as good as it is, is just done to DEATH now. I mean, come ON. Every sweat we have nowadays feature Tekken as the only fighting game? Get real.)

people button mash in every fighting game... how does that detract from the overall game?

its certainly not a game where a button smasher has as much chance winning as a skilled player.

Tech source men play it yes, and not just cause of the anime, but cause its an amazing fighting game. very different from the fighting games we have burnt into our retinas.

its that diff in game play, using material from an original and exciting world that fuels people's passion for the game.

Ign and other game critics thought the same thing at first glance, then they ACTUALLY played teh  game and they admitted it has alot of stratergy behind it.

I mean, for instance, my secret weapon in the game is using one of the weaker characters from the anime and the game, but i play the character really well and am quite formiddable with the character.

Alot like you with rock and roll ^_^

but mortal combat anihilation and stuff still suck sorry :P

Offline New Era Outlaw

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Yes. Mortal Kombat Annihilation did suck. What a corny movie.

Yeesh. The name of the game is Armageddon. At least get your game titles right.

Now, IGN did sit down to play with the Naruto game, and I wouldn't doubt that they gave it good reviews, because it looks fairly decent to me, at least. says next to nothing about how people end up responding to the game.
A good few people tell me that it's 'highly popular' and whatnot....until I realised that they were basing their findings in one area...TechSource. =\
And, like rb said.....there were next to nil players of Naruto in that event, and the few that did pick up a control just did so to humour whoever brought it (just to be fair, the same could have been said for Armageddon, where the only serious competition I got was from RedEyes, who is a very tactile player).

But here's where the one-up comes in.

What game was voted Best Fighting Game of 2004 by Gamespot, Spike VG Awards and IGN? Mortal Kombat Deception.
Best Fighting Game of 2006 by Gamespot? Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for X-Box Live.
Best Fighting Game 2006 by Spike TV VG Awards? Mortal Kombat Armageddon (yeah....even I found that one weird, but a one-up's still a one-up.) for all of the creativity Naruto seems to be praised for, unlike Mortal Kombat, it hasn't garnered as much acclaim. Ironically, the same people you put forward as praising Naruto chose Mortal Kombat over it.

And, unlike the Naruto fighting games, at least there are several on-line communities such as Ultimate MK and MK Secrets that delve into the strategy of this game and even go in-depth into what makes or breaks the game in terms of high-level play.

Yes, Armageddon was pretty much a sucky finale for the MK series (in my opinion, Deception was the best game in the series), but at least it has something to show for it.

Still, I'm not the least bit convinced that Naruto, without some hardcore effort, would do well as a nationwide game, because the evidence of it being taken seriously at all is very scant. If you want to prove me wrong in that aspect, though, all you have to do is throw a tournament and place some real effort into locating some players and enticing them into the game. That's the easiest way to garner respect for a game.
That's something I intend to do for Armageddon (eventually), because I'm seriously tired of Tekken all of the time.
And that is something I would like to see done for Naruto as well, believe it or not.

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hmm i seem to recall there were 30+ entrants for naruto @ arena... how many were there for mortal??

THere are no online communities for ninja taisen 3 and 4? wow so i was like imagining all those websites i went too for strats and secrets, damn that imagination of mine...

as for best fighting game of 2k6... thats an insult to great fighting games of 2k6

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Both of you should stop this..

Naruto @ Arena was more people who wanted to play the game than people who KNEW how to play it, so the numbers there mean very little. Theres one main source of naruto stuff and thats willvolution other than that its random topics here and there.

I was pissed @ Mortal being considered also...

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Fair enough.

Now, on to games that actually have fans.

I seriously think that we should open the floodgates for games like Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs. SNK2 and Guilty Gear XX, and really give those games some degree of exposure. I think, a few months ago, there was a Third Strike tournament, and that did pretty all right for itself. Guilty Gear, I've noticed, hasn't been nearly given as enough exposure, tournament-wise, and yet there are a good few players in that game who have some mad skills worth documenting. If we ever get around to hosting one, I've got an old friend who'd just love to get his hands on some competition.

As for Capcom vs SNK2, I am considering hosting a tournament in that also, and I'll use the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 tournament as a gauge to determine what and what not to do next time. I know for a fact people will come to mash that one up, for SURE.

MvC2 ftw

start organising your tourney NEO, i registering from now

Will do. I just have to get the green light from a friend of mine about the date, and I'll announce the pre-registration.

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Then, it would not be useless to say that we could organise, or rather, request  a little tournament in the net cafe in trincity mall say, tomorow between 4-6 and ending whenevr? They hav a TV there don't they? Wel in that case I challenge those of you who do play the game to come and school us tomorow, or, if you need to be told in advance, next week saturday, or the week after that or the week after that.
Quote from: New_Era_Outlaw

link=topic=10187.msg154568#msg154568 date=1174664143
And, unlike the Naruto fighting games, at least there are several on-line communities such as Ultimate MK and MK Secrets that delve into the strategy of this game and even go in-depth into what makes or breaks the game in terms of high-level play.


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Yuh know, I haven't seen or heard of crixx defending his title since winning arena , come on Crixx defend the title :P

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Kaguya, we just agreed that we won't discuss that anymore.

You'd even find a plethora of combo videos there as well.....videos I happen to have saved on my computer right now.

By the way, on a side note, I have yet to see one weblink from anybody arguing in favour of Naruto. Come on, least I put up two. If you're going to say "I must be imagining all of those sites that gave me strategy...BLAH BLAH BLAH", at least put up one as proof instead of babbling so I'd shut up and see for myself. God. Is that so hard to do?

However, I will give a one-up to the Naruto fans out there.....there are actually several people who demand this game in the Arima side, at least, when I asked around. The sole problem is that some of those places don't have a Gamecube to run the better version of Naruto, and didn't consider it because Gamecube games can't be burned, runs into additional costs, and (this one is from my perspective) because it might be a tad outdated now that the Wii is out.

All right?
As much as you guys are defending the game to the death (and I respect that), at least do some justice to the defense and present some proof in the pudding. Heck, even I am tossing out a few point in Naruto's defense in my posts, when you scan through them carefully enough.

Now, let's move on.

I'm sure Leeron wouldn't mind helping you guys run a tournament in Trincity Mall, but you might want to let him know in advance what you're doing so he can prepare for it. Next thing you know, he has something else planned for that day, and you might end up on the short end of the stick when waiting for a game.

Yuh know, I haven't seen or heard of crixx defending his title since winning arena , come on Crixx defend the title :P

That's all he has to do to bring Naruto some popularity on the gaming scene.....put his money where his mouth is and throw a tournament with something on the line that people want badly.
That's why I've been aggressively egging him throughout this whole thread. So he actually gets vex enough to say, "You know what? Screw you, NEO! I'm going to throw my own tournament in this game and PROVE YOU DAMN WRONG!"

.....but I guess I've failed in that aspect.
All I'm seeing is talk, talk, talk.
It's when people actually grow a pair and go out and do things, that's when I actually take them seriously. That is why I respect you, Kaguya, because you're saying to me, "You know what? I'll PROVE that this game can do well and we players have to be FEARED. I challenge so-and-so to this time, and this place!" THAT is the attitude we gamers have to take - RUTHLESS AGGRESSION.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a Marvel tournament to prepare for.
I gots me some takers in Arima, and I'm going today to see if I can sell them in on the idea.
I'm also considering paying a visit to MovieTowne, to see if I can get a venue for pre-registration there.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 09:39:14 AM by New_Era_Outlaw »



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