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Topic: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell (Read 3685 times)
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Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
January 18, 2007, 12:59:45 PM »
Gabe Newell is the founder/managing director of Valve Software. I came accross an article about his viewpoint on the Wii, 360 and the PS3. His other answers were based on HL2. In an nutshell they are working on Episode 2 and 3, a new team fortress and Portal. Currently they are not working on a HL3 as of late.
heres the end of the interview
WHat about the PS3?
The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels. I think it's really clear that SONY lost track of what customers wanted and what developers wanted. I'd say at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "this was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and were going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it" The happy story is the Wii. Im betting that by Christmas of next year, the Wii has a larger installed base than the 360. Other people think im crazy. I really like everything Nintendo is doing.
What's your opinion of the XBOX 360?
Microsoft has no many problems with Vista. I wish they were focusing more on the thing that runs on hundreds of millions of PC's rather than six million proprietary clients. Vista really shows a lack of focus on maing a better consumer platform. I came out of the Windows group, and right now i'd go with a Macintosh as being a better solution for most consumers than a Vista-based PC. Its shocking to me. If youre an XP user, youre going to be more comfortable upgrading to an Apple than Vista. Vista is going to drive you crazy in terms of some of the user interface decssions. Other than gaming, which si Apple's Achilees heel, almost everything else works better on a Mac. As somebodywho used to live and ide to make Windows successful thats super sad to me.
The guy is right. Spot on about the PS3 this is no bash. No one is willing to develop for this system anymore, its just NOT selling, and not because of lack of units. Wrrt Vista the interface is an issue. GAMers would prefer a more simple interface. We shall see how the interaction with Vista is wrt to LIVE.
Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 01:09:18 PM by shivadee
Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
January 18, 2007, 12:59:45 PM »
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #1 on:
January 18, 2007, 02:21:29 PM »
I don't know bout that. I do agree Sony is heavily advertising it's Blu-Ray disc even more so than the games, but! i must say that the PS3 is far from a 'do over' product. He even said it himself, it's the software not the hardware. Just like microsoft won over some developers so too can Sony. They're far from being a dead console...
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #2 on:
January 22, 2007, 11:11:21 AM »
Wow. This Newell guy hit the nail on the head.
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #3 on:
February 06, 2007, 04:48:08 PM »
Yeah... because I needed Newell to validate what I've been saying for over a year and a half.
Sony botched the PS3's launch big time, but there's still hope cause the xbox 360 launch was complete garbage, I remember standing outside of circuit city in downtown bk, waiting in 16 degrees then the rain started and i got soaked and ended up in nothing more than a riot. Then the ring of death, which I got twice, first time they "repaired" my launch day console, and when it died a second time, right after i finished GoW, which was the only 5.5 hours of gameplay i put in it since i got it back they sent me a new machine, but despite all of that, I do not regret purchasing the machine and I guess the other 10 million users don't either. So Sony can turn this around in a heartbeat. You never know.
Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 07:50:33 PM by New_Era_Outlaw
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #4 on:
February 15, 2007, 07:56:46 PM »
WII60 FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The mans right, but they cant turn in around in a heart beat, i'd say a weeee bit longer. But im sure sony will pull out of their little rut, but my money is on nintendo taking top position.
Manicou....Manicou MANICOUUUUUUUUU
Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #4 on:
February 15, 2007, 07:56:46 PM »
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #5 on:
February 15, 2007, 08:09:07 PM »
in my opinion microsoft should stick to PCs
Im a fan of both sony and nintendo I think Sony has best consoles and Nintendo Best Handheld .
I agree with everyone when they say ps3's launch was a mess but a game cant be judged just on a launch we'll have to wait till some games come out and see how it looks.
as for psp i still cant help but think its only good game is Lumines i think DS dominates handheld without a doubt.
The Wii i would like to have also but when it comes down to it id still chose ps3 cuz i like sony's titles and a lazy man like me cant play wii for too long that look like too much work swingin hands all over
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #6 on:
February 17, 2007, 08:49:54 AM »
It has reached the point now that no matter how hardcore SONY's fanbase is the system will not sell unless it has the software (games). You cant be "trini" and say "yea man they go bonks back man".......because in all honesty fellas, that sh!t eh look like it will happen. This is reality, this is statistics, this is plain common sense, and SONY has taken a dive into an empty pool. The titles people are waiting for are not comming out till later in the year...and dont be fooled thinking MGS4, however good it is, is going to sell this console..LAIR, however good it is.....is a single player game with no online ability. From the time people heard DMC does not feature Dante no one is impressed anymore and now the games comming out for bothe systems (360 and PS3) are only marginally better looking on the PS3.
I said i would give them ONE year to bounce back......their year is up in November. If not.....they screwed. Im already leaving SONY and going to EA Vancouver. I think SONY is going to tank with this system "as it is now" meaning they have to change their hardware as in downgrade the system so it sells.
As for this "swinging hands all over" L2PlaytheWii Kthxbai before you talk yuh talk.
Its one things for fans to say the love or hate a system, because honestly developers dont care what fans think....they are easy to manipulate. In this case however the developers are having and issue the interface and OS for the PS3. Its difficult to use, get used to and create software for. Its also very expensive to create software for. These are causing big issues which explains why you are seeing few exclusives for the PS3 compared to the exclusives that used to be on the PS2. There all 360 ports....know that now, and SONY is loosing all their exclusivity and TRUST ME....we know as MUCH as EA does....they are that poor with their PR.
Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 08:55:11 AM by shivadee
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #7 on:
February 17, 2007, 06:12:02 PM »
you could tell when a nintendo fanboy come out eh bottom line in my opinion i dont really got much options with consoles. I think Xbox360 sux btw Halo is one of the worst FPS ive ever played i dont know how anyone likes it. Xbox does have some good games such as gears of war and ninja gaiden but its not for me.
Nintendo wii is fun but not serious i cant play games that are made for 12 yr olds not to mention its to much work to play a game with the wiimote.
Sony although has a bad start will still be my best choice although the 6-axis controller is a joke and i dont think anyone would take it seriously it still has the best choice of games for me ive been using playstation since it came out and u cant compete with Final Fantasy and Metal Gear if sony kept only those 2 lines and stopped makin other titles id still buy it but with god of war,resident evil,devil may cry and many more titles that ive come to love there is no one that can convince me to get somethin other than the ps3
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Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #8 on:
February 23, 2007, 07:37:01 PM »
siiigh...ignorance is bliss i suppose.
Manicou....Manicou MANICOUUUUUUUUU
Re: Game Informer Interview with Gabe Newell
Reply #8 on:
February 23, 2007, 07:37:01 PM »
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